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3 Killer Publicity Strategies!

By Larry Dotson
Posted Friday, October 29, 2004

1) Make Some News

Think of ways to get your site or business in the the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a world record, hold a major event, etc. Simply write a press release about what you've accomplished, then send it to media outlets that cater to your target audience.

2) Become A Guest

Contact national radio stations to ask them if they are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area of expertise; maybe they'll book you for a show. Of course you would want to contact targeted stations and shows which would want to know more about you and your area of expertise.

2) Co-Brand A Product

Get the word out about your product by branding it. This increases the perceived value because people believe brand name products are better quality. If you want to quickly brand your product, team up with an already branded business and combine their name with yours. You could just give the business a percentage of your profits. ---- 10,000 Sales Letter Words, Phrases & Templates! Just visit: (

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