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4 Priceless Advertising Methods

By Gary Christensen
Posted Saturday, September 4, 2004

In a previous article, I listed the standard methods that I use to get responses and inquiries flowing into my e-mail box, like: Using Search Engines; Newsgroups; Chat rooms; E-mailings; Advertising at Free Ad sites; Placing paid ads in e-mailed Newsletters, etc. (A copy of that "Web Promotion" article is free for the asking from this author.)

However, in tracking more recent responses, I am finding they are coming to me as a result of one or more of these "priceless" ways:

1) Word of Mouth Referrals. More and more e-mails are coming in with subject lines, or the first lines of messages, starting with "I got your name from,... " or "I was referred to you by,... THIS is advertising that you can NOT buy, anywhere! It has been called The BEST kind of Advertising available!" Only thing is, there is nothing you or I can do to order it! It just happens, if you are doing things right! If you are generous and willing to help others, people will tell their friends about you!!

2) Forwarding Samples. In this world of e-mail, it's VERY simple to "forward" an e-mail which you have received onto a friend! You just hit "Fwd." and when a new box opens, you type in your friend's e-mail address and hit "send!" A copy of that e-mail is sent onto your friend! You still have YOUR copy. That e-mail doesn't vanish. You've only "made a copy" and forwarded the copy to someone you know! I get LOTS of e-mails that contain the phrase "a friend sent this to me."

3) Posting Requests. I get e-mail requests, almost daily, from site managers; publishers; and other business people, who write to me to ask my permission to allow them to post one of my ads,.. or one of my Articles at their site; or to be allowed to Publish something I have written in an up-coming issue of their e-mailed Newsletter! I am NOT advertising,.. and/or "asking" the people do this for me, I just get requests from new sources almost daily that want to post my writings! At last count, I believe you can find my writings posted at 29 websites!

4) One-for-One Exchanges. I also get offers and "deals" from other Publishers, who want to "do a trade!" They send me their ad or offer and ask me to send them mine! They Publish or Post my Ad, and they want me to publish THEIR ad in MY Newsletter in exchange! It's usually a pretty good deal, so I do it! It costs me nothing more to "do the trade" and it usually results in my receiving still more inquiries in my e-mail box! I send everyone who responds a Free Report or a copy of my Newsletter!

I sign up for every Free Listing I can; I send my Articles out to other Publishers on a regular basis; I send AT LEAST 100 e-mails every day, to people who have sent me an e-mail, etc. These are just a few cost - free ways that help to add more names to my list of customers. If new people are contacting you every day, ask them how they are finding your name! You may find the information to be Priceless!!

About the Author
(Above article was written by Gary Christensen, a self-published author of 8 books & over 100 Reports, like this one. Of the 100, 67 Reports are in his "67 Mailorder Trade Secrets" Book, one copy is yours for $18.00! (Or, the full set of 100+ Reports are YOURS for only $28.00). His latest Free Report is "The 3 Things you must do, or your Business could fail!" Gary will circulate your 2 page Article or News Release to 90 Publishers for just $28.00! Write him at: 2601 N.E. Jack London St., #138, Corvallis, OR 97330, or E-Mail him at:


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