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7 Resource Box Secrets

By David McKenzie
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Here are 7 resource box secrets to help you obtain greater success with your resource box:

1. Do not sell anything in your resource box. Instead, give away something for free like a free email course, a free newsletter subscription or a free ebook.

2. Provide a clear, clickable link to your web page. Alternatively, provide an email address or autoresponder address if you are giving away a free ebook or free email course.

3. Put your name in the resource box. For example, if you are offering a free ebook then it should read "David McKenzie is providing a free ebook... " You want people to get to know you so tell them who you are!

4. If you are offering a subscription to your newsletter in the resource box then provide an email address where people can subscribe. You do not want people having to go to a web site and looking for a subscription link somewhere on the site. Make it really easy for them to subscribe.

5. Keep it short. You should be able to give away something for free in 4 lines. And 1 of those lines should be a web site or email address link. With resource boxes, the shorter the better.

6. Keep the theme of your resource box similar to the theme of your article. You do not want to be writing an article about health and giving away a free ebook on the stock market. It will just confuse people.

7. Do not list direct affiliate links in your resource box. Instead, provide a link to your web site where you have affiliate links located or feature a redirect page for your affiliate link in your resource box. Believe me, your click through ratios will be much higher if you do not use direct affiliate links.

Resource boxes are a fantastic marketing tool so use some of these techniques to get the best results you can. Really, all you are trying to do is get them to click the link, whether it's a web site or email address. Its as simple as that!

About the Author
David McKenzie in an author of an ebook "How To Write Free Articles and Market Them With a 0 dollar Marketing Budget". Visit (


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