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7 Ways To Get Repeat Traffic

By Ken Hill
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2004

The following tips will help you keep your visitors coming back to your site:

1. Make your site a valuable resource.

Provide your visitors with your own articles, resources, or tutorials. Strive to make your site the #1 resource in your field of expertise, and continue to keep your site updated with new information.

2. Ask your visitors to bookmark your site.

3. Add things to your site to make your site more interactive and engaging to your visitors such as your own polls where your visitors can see the results in real time, sports or news tickers, quizzes, or chat rooms.

4. Invite your visitors to add their own content to your site such as articles they have written.

5. Add a guestbook to your site.

Your guestbook will keep your visitors coming back to your site by allowing them to post and respond to messages, and can also provide you with valuable feedback that you can use to make your site better, correct problems with your site, and increase your sales.

For a free customizable guestbook that you can add to your site visit: (

6. Publish a newsletter.

Publishing a newsletter will help you gain your visitors' trust, increase your sales as you create awareness of your products and services, and allow you to successfully promote affiliate programs to your subscribers.

You will also be able to continually generate more repeat traffic by linking to your site or different sections of your site, telling your visitors of any new additions to your site, and by telling your subscribers of any promotions that you have running.

7. Even if you don't have the time it takes to publish an ezine, you can still generate more repeat traffic to your site by building up your own opt-in mailing list.

Ask your visitors to sign-up to be notified when your site changes or when you add new features to your site, or ask your visitors on your order page if they would like to be notified in the future of any new or special offers.

About the Author
Ken Hill publishes Net Promotion Marketer, full with internet marketing tips. Visit (


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