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Accelerating Your Downlines

By Chris Brown
Posted Saturday, October 30, 2004

Believe the hype, a downline full of motivated, money makers will skyrocket your multi-tiered income no matter what program you promote. In this article I am going to lay out a few ideas that will assist you in motivating your downline members and help you give them tools to accelerate their sales.

Be Supportive from the Start
Offer help from the time that a member signs up. Open up notepad and make a template email that you can send out to anyone that signs up under you. This email should include a 'welcome to the program' section, some helpful tips about earning with the program they have joined and warnings about any common problems. Also, a paragraph about your personal success with the program can be a powerful inspiration; never underestimate the power of testimonials.

Share techniques and experiences
The knowledge that you have accumulated about your products and services is an invaluable resource; don't hesitate when it comes to sharing your learnings with your downline.

Help your downline members avoid any pitfalls that you know of. Not only will this make things easier on them, it will show them that you are there to help. Also, if you come across a powerful way to market your chosen program then share this info with your downline members.

Don't feel like you are giving away your secrets; instead, realize that you are accelerating your downline.

Give Tools
Any tool you find, whether it's a free eBook, a link to a good web site, a vendor for inexpensive print materials or even a sales letter that you have had success with can be very beneficial to your downline members. Quality tools will inspire your team members and give them creative ideas for their own techniques and tools.

I know of a very successful internet marketer that gives a free website to the people in his downline; he has built a very successful team of motivated associates by setting up small sites for his team members and showing them how to attract visitors. I have also heard of people directing opt-in email leads to their high performance team members as incentives. Ideas like these may seem advanced, but an accelerated downline is a quality investment, right?

Check Up on Your Team
From time to time, send out an email to your team that asks for feedback about how you can assist them. If you don't already maintain a mailing list for your downline then you should start building one now.

Send out messages with new tips, techniques, ideas, praises and anything that you think might be helpful to them. This will let your members know that you are there and that you care.

A powerful downline is one of your most important assets in multi-tier business; keep your team up to date with powerful tips and tools.

I've given you a starting point; take these thoughts and get creative. Put these ideas to work for your self and share this article with your team members; their accelerated downline is your accelerated downline.

About the Authr
Chris Brown runs, an informative site, dedicated to those of us who work from home or really want to make money. If you are interested in *top quality* home business opportunities, tips about making money online and help from a straightforward friend that works from home, Grab a subscription to the F`R`E`E newsletter today at: (


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