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Add Wow! To Create A Buzz, Online!

By Steve Nash
Posted Saturday, September 11, 2004

Why is any web site special?

Is it special because the site is unique? Is it because the site loads quickly, has fresh content, and is easy to use? Is it special because the site contains the best content (or range of products)?

Is the site great because of the other people that visit?

Or is the site so useful or so much fun that people SIMPLY CANNOT stop talking about it, cannot stop re-visiting it?

You guessed it, it's all of the above (and more!).

Making any website a "wow!" takes time, and there really are no quick-fix solutions. But it is possible to make your site special - a site that visitors bookmark without you asking; one that they willingly tell ALL their friends about.


Use your brain!

Your brain is *the* single best resource you have when trying to create a website with wow-appeal. It is vital you use your brain to be creative, to be inventive, to be original!

(I mean just how interested are you in yet another version of (the brilliantly simple) ( ?)

So, to get your creative juices flowing, take a look at the following websites. (I visit these sites on a regular basis, you might too!) Find out what you like (and what you dislike) about these sites? And see what can you 'borrow'?

- (
(Personalisation, product choice and recommendations)

- (
(How does the UK version differ from ?)

- (
A simple, but powerful site

- (
Access to pop3 email accounts. Simple, but effective

- (
Great web developer resource, with informed forums

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A nicely designed shopping guide, offering cash back

- (
Guide to free sms text messaging, worldwide

Yes, that last site,, is my site. I built it in a week or so, a couple of years ago, from content I found via Google. I built it, because it was a site I wanted to use (but didn't exist yet!).

And now the site gets OVER 5000 unique visitors per day, and is very much appreciated by its visitors

The point I'm trying to make is that anyone can build a site with "wow!"-appeal, anyone that uses their brain!

== Aside ==
If you have yet to build your website, then can I politely recommend that you take a look at an all-in-one suite of tools that goes by the name of Site Build It!

Site Build It! (SBI) lets you use your brain, lets you explore your passion, and provides you with the tools to convert that passion into a profitable website. It allows you to build (and promote) a site that pleases both the search engines AND site visitors. So you concentrate on your business (or passion), and SBI does the rest!

== Aside ==


Intelligent and imaginative use of these excellent services WILL also make your website a compelling place to visit, a website with "wow!"

Add a web log (blog) to your site

CGI and WebMaster Tools

Create a community

Put other people's content on your site

Offer free SMS on your site

Offer free stuff

Add search to your site

Offer a prize or competition

Let visitors play games


The web is literally brim-full with free website building tools that can really improve your website.

Again, you are only limited by your own imagination (or creative combination of other people's imagination!). I recommend you visit all of these sites, and get thinking...

- ( (script called Birdcast)
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Think for a while about the sites that *you* really like, and think why it is that you like them. And always be on the look-out for good ideas, both online and offline.

For more "add wow!" ideas, why not read my article: 21 Reasons Why The Next Site I Visit Could Be Yours. You can get your free copy here: (


Make your site a "wow!", and get everyone talking about (and visiting) your site. Sounds simple, doesn't it! It isn't, but there are lots of tools and resources on the Internet to help you. Just add your brain... then create a buzz!

About the Author
STEVE NASH is the author of the ebook: "3 Super-Tips To Build, Promote And Profit More From Your Website." Download your free copy now! (

HIS BEST TIP? Use Site Build It!, and use your brain, to develop a profitable business online! Learn more, at my free guide here!


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