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Affiliates, 3 Things You should Own though You don't Own a Product.

By Radhika Venkata
Posted Tuesday, August 10, 2004

1. Your Own web site:

Most affiliates put a redirect link directly to their affiliate product. It is not such a good practice.

*Register a domain that closely resembles your affiliate product website. For example, if you are an affiliate for web site, try to register or

*Follow the lay-out of your affiliate product web site.

*Put content on your web site (minimum of 10 pages). Like articles and reviews related to your affiliate product. No need to say to put up links leading the visitor to your affiliate web site.

*If you have a multiple different affiliate products, don't mix them up and put all of those links on same web site. Choose a multidomain host and host your different affiliate web sites for cheap.

2. Your Own opt-in list:

You need your own opt-in list **no matter** what you sell and your own or your affiliate product.

Start giving free ecourse or an ezine related to your affiliate product and collect email addresses.

You need a follow up autoresponder or a maling list manager to manage this process of collecting emails, follow up, sending promotional emails
etc. etc.

Here are two scripts that you can use them as BOTH follow up autoresponders and mailing list managers:


3. Your Own Ezine articles:

Yep! You have to spread the word about your affiliate product. Don't You?
Write articles related to your affiliae product and publish them on your web site, send them to publishers, submit them to content sites.

Do a search on Google or Altavista like 'submit+article', you will get a big list of sites. Keep your favorites on your Favorites folder and submit to them on regular basis.

Few tips in writing ezine articles in the affiliates perspective:
=Don't expose your affiliate link directly in your resourcebox.
=Usually affiliate links comes as long URLs. These tend to breakup. So use some kind of redirection.
=Only promote one product in one article.

More on hiding affiliate links:

About the Author
Radhika Venkata
Webmaster Resource Directory: List Your product, ezine or web site free!
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