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Are You Using Chameleon Advertising?

By Ken Nadreau
Posted Wednesday, August 4, 2004

There have been a lot of advertising techniques used throughout the history of online marketing. Some remarkable, others not so good, and still more that are downright terrible and should be illegal. In fact, with the dawn of the anti spam laws, some are!

Well there’s a “new kid on the block” that’s gaining some real popularity, and it’s called “Chameleon Advertising.”

What is Chameleon Advertising? It sounds devious doesn’t it? But truthfully, it’s a great way of getting your readers’ interested in what you have to say. However, before we get into what it is exactly, you may need to understand why the term “chameleon” applies . . .

When you think of a chameleon, you think of camouflage, right? Camouflage is a technique used to hide something, and is used by the chameleon to protect itself from predators, concealing its location by changing the color of its skin to blend in with the surrounding flora. It never changes what it is though, because no matter what color it appears to be, its still a chameleon.

So likewise, chameleon advertising never changes what it is, but rather camouflages itself by blending into the landscape of other text, particularly a high interest storyline. For example, have you ever seen a headline in a newspaper like this?:

“Quick Thinking Boy Saves Family From A Fiery Death “

For all intents and purposes, it appears to be a news story about a young boy who saves his entire family from burning to death in their home. The story might go on to explain how he did it and inform the reader that all was saved because he acted fast and pushed a button on the family’s alarm system, which woke the sleeping family and alerted them to the dangers. It also automatically notified the fire department and they came within minutes to put out the fire and save most of their belongings.

The “news” article might then go on to explain that the family was secure because of “such and such” an alarm system, where the alarm company is located and how to reach them.

It might end with commentary from the boy’s parents about how proud they are of him and how thankful they are for having the alarm system in their home.

The fact is though, the entire news brief was designed to announce the alarm company and how to order their product.

That’s Chameleon Advertising!

Think of the possibilities for online marketing . . .
People love to read stories. The more intense the better, and so camouflaging a sales pitch within a highly emotional story can truly motivate a reader to learn more. In fact, it can be down right irresistible!

“Young Woman With A G.E.D. Strikes It Rich!”

“Man Leaves His Entire Fortune To His Cat!”

The story would obviously get into how she struck it, how he managed to accumulate such a fortune. A little hyperlink here or there would do the trick and traffic would soar through the roof!

Of course it’s important to note what Chameleon Advertising is not . . .

It’s not advertising that headlines false information like emails you may have received with deceiving subject lines that have nothing to do with the contents. It’s not promises that can’t be kept, or traps to lead people into buying useless information or products.

It’s telling a story to show the true benefits of a product or service that you may just happen to be selling. It’s an extremely powerful marketing technique that will used more and more in the coming months.

Are you using Chameleon Advertising?

About the Author
Ken Nadreau is the author of the new book, "Get Niche Quick!!!", and has helped thousands of people find a more rewarding future through his consulting and motivational work. He has successfully started and ran more than twenty businesses, for himself and for others, both online and off.



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