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Cost Savings between Traditional Marketing and Internet Marketing

By Scott F. Geld
Posted Thursday, September 2, 2004

Marketing can be defined as 'whatever you do to promote and grow your business' including market research, advertising, publicity, sales, merchandising and distribution. With traditional marketing techniques all of these things are delivered in print format or in person. Internet marketing however, uses the power of online networks and interactive media to reach your marketing paper, no telephone calls, no in person appearances.

How can Internet marketing save you time, money and resources? Read on...

Electronic versions of catalogs, brochures, white papers, data sheets etc. don't have to be printed, stored or shipped to your customers resulting in an enormous savings in printing and storage costs. And what about manpower (or lady power) costs? You no longer require as many people to handle mailing and distribution of your marketing collateral...more savings.

Updating catalogs, brochures and any other marketing collateral you produce can be accomplished as needed online and in lightning speed. There's no need to send revised material out to a printer and then have to wait for a revised version, a great savings in time. And, time is money.

You can provide more information to your customers with little if any additional cost. Adding more pages to a document online involves virtually no expense compared to the additional cost and space required to deliver the same thing in print format.

You can reach more customers than ever before and it doesn't cost a penny more. There's no postage or courier charges to pay. Distribution costs are the same whether you reach one or one million.

Finally, for little or no cost you can have several electronic versions of the same catalog customized to meet the needs of different audiences.

The difference between traditional and Internet marketing is money and Internet marketing improves your bottom line. That's what it's all about isn't it?

About the Author
Scott F. Geld is the Director of Marketing for, a company providing targeted traffic and leads: (


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