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Everyone Wants Something for Nothing

By L.A. Hunter
Posted Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Magnetic business cards are an inexpensive way to get your name and website out there. You can mail them to your guests. Look at your refrigerator it's loaded with business card magnets. Because they are useful you never throw them away.

Before ordering your magnets, take a look at your refrigerator, which magnets stick out the most? This will help you decide what yours should look like.

You can send a free magnet to anyone who signs up for your newsletter, signs in on your website, sends you an email or a self-addressed stamped envelope. Because these people are already interested, you can collect the emails or addresses for future mailings.

At I offer my guests a bookmark and magnet if they send a self-addressed stamped business envelope. My magnet will be in front of them and their friends for many years. And it's fun to see how far away the requests come from.

About the Author
--L.A. Hunter, author of Romeo's Playbook: A Man's Guide for Enhancing His Relationship and Sex Life -- (
P.O. Box 208 - Manchester, PA 17345


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