EXIT Marketing Strategies... "keep selling after they've left."
By Kenneth Doyle
Posted Wednesday, October 13, 2004
EXIT Marketing Strategies... "keep selling after they've left."
Marketing ONline or OFFline is about your MIX.
MIX means the variety of strategies you use to promote yourself/ your site/ your wares.
The purpose of a Marketing MIX is to attract visitors using different forms of promotion. This MIX tactic has been used successfully by OFFline Marketers for the last 50 years.
ONline marketing mix strategies may include...
* Ezine Ads
* Ezines
* Articles
* Sig files
* Banners
* Promotional deals
* Autoresponder message sets * eReports
* eBooks
* Stickiness systems
* FREE something
* POPups
POPups! Aargh. I hear you say.
Not so... POPups done elegantly and POLITELY actually add value to your site, and they'll promote you long after the visitor has left.
Think of it this way.
Remember the last time you were in the Mall and someone was promoting something. You were interested, so you went over and asked some questions, but you didn't buy.
Now, a savvy OFFline marketer would have given you something to take away... a flyer, a brochure... something.
The reason? Well, it's a memory jog, and you never know where that promotional item ends up. Yes, a high percentage end up in the rubbish bin... but a small percentage do not.
AND... all this has cost you is a small action.
Now think of your site. Someone has come to it looking for something. They didn't buy anything, and they may never return.
What MEMORY JOG can you give them?
Enter EXIT Marketing POPups
* Use them ELEGANTLY. This means that what you offer in your Popup must be in context with what you've got on your site.
Offer an in-context FREE eReport, FREE ebook, or a request to subscribe to your ezine in exchange for one of these things. Your goal is to get an email address.
* Use them POLITELY. On EXIT only, and in one place. The reason? Well, how responsive are you when someone is continually in your face trying to sell you something?
The use of multiple Popups translates into "I'm desperate." This is not the best message if you're serious about doing business online, long term. Also, set the Popup for first visit only.
* Use them POLITELY for additional traffic generation. EXIT only.
There are many creation-of-POPup options. One of my favorites can be found at CodeLifter, which has all the bells and whistles you'll ever need...
CodeLifter offers a free demo. Purchase price, a mere $20.00.
There are plenty of free online pop up generators that'll design pop ups to any size and specification.
Here are a few:
(http://builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-7701-8-4561792-1.html) Scroll down to the link that says "Tip - Window Maker" This Popup activates when someone hovers their mouse over a link on a page.
(http://hyperTracker.com/go/WEBpro1/CGIscripts/popuparticle/ Pop Up Making Wizard)
AND... if you're looking for an easy script you can just cut and paste take a look at (http://wsabstract.com/script/cut65.shtml)
Kenneth Doyle - e*Analyst (http://www.feedyourhungrymind.com)
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Born with the promotional strategist's gene... followed by twenty successful years in Media, Marketing, PR and
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