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Four Main Objectives To A Successful And Profitable Ad Campaign

By Tim Bossie
Posted Sunday, August 8, 2004

It's no secret that advertising is the most important principle of any business and is directly attributed to success or failure.

In order for a business to reach any level of success, a broad advertising campaign must be constantly working and improved upon.

But, not just any ad campaign can get the job done. It must be built around four objectives to reach any kind of success, profitability, and longevity.

Widespread Name Recognition

This is by far your most important objective when thinking up how to successfully advertise your product or service. Focusing your attention towards extreme widespread distribution of your advertising materials should always be first and foremost in your thinking with any advertising campaign. You need to get your advertising materials in front of as many people as you can. (Especially true for start-up businesses.)

Your business is built upon people knowing who, and especially where, you and your business are/is. You can't expect to "build it and they will come" in regards to your website.

By using an advertising tool like solo ads (single ads of about 250 - 500 words in length sent to the entire list of an opt-in mailing list) you can reach out to hundreds of thousands of people very quickly.

Sending a few solo ads every week is a great way to maximize your exposure to targeted individuals interested in your product or service.

Getting More Visitors

You would tend to think that this was the more important objective of any campaign, but if you don't get your name out in front of people then how are you going to bring in more visitors?

Plus, notice I said get MORE visitors. Sure you can have a trickle of hits every day, but the real sales come in when you can exponentially multiply your website visitors on a daily basis.

When you bring in more new visitors you're, once again, receiving more name recognition. People tend to remember a site that they visited more so than one would a site that they saw advertised.

Advertising materials like solo ads, autoresponder courses, free ebooks, and reports are fantastic ways to keep that flow of new visitors coming to your site.

Create First Time Sales

While your main obejctives are creating widespread name recognition and brining in more visitors, the first time sale is also an objective when designing an ad campaign.

This is why the first two objectives are so important and should always be the center of your designing. The sales will come with a campaign where name recognition and visitors are the prime focus.

The focus of your ad is NOT to sell your product, but to sell your website. In doing this the person reading the ad becomes emotionally driven to learn more about your service and product, clicks to your site, where your web copy takes over and does the actual selling.

Create Repeat Exposure and Continued Sales

This is rather an indirect aspect of your ad campaign, but should also be focused on.

See, an ad campaign is much more than just a few ads sprinkled about in ezines or websites. A truly successful ad campaign is made up of several different tools and materials that will contribute to creating repeat exposure and continued sales.

The first few ads are the vehicle used to get the visitors to your site where other parts of your campaign kick in and either capture their email address for follow up emails or subscribe them to periodic materials such as an autoresponder course.

Advertising can be costly and minimizing the costs with other ad tools in place that take over after the initial advertising runs it's course should be built into your ad campaign.

Here's how it all works together....

I started a campaign with a few solo ads placed at one of the various solo ad co-op's. This ad gave me tremendous exposure by sending my two solo ads to over 100,000 opt-in subscribers (widespread exposure), for about $40.

In doing their jobs, the solo ads drove in close to 8,000 visitors (get more visitors) spread out over a three week period.

At this point, several different things happened..

I received 230 orders for my solo ad writing service at $45 per (create first time sales). That's an immediate profit of over $10,000.

I also received 2,235 subscribers for my ezine (create repeat exposure and continued sales).

I also received over 1,500 downloads for a small free report (create repeat exposure and continued sales) I was giving away.

I don't have to advertise that service nearly as much as I had to before because I started focusing on these objectives and am still receiving orders, and subscribers, from people who are on my mailing list, downloaded the report and are telling their friends about it.

Focus on these obejctives and you'll see your online business take off.

About the Author
Tim Bossie is the owner of Northern Pine Marketing Services and specializes in writing original and creative solo ads in just 2 hours! Find out more about this incredible service by going to ( Plus, check out his brand new ebook, "How To Achieve High Profits With Solo Ads!" that details the 7 Important Building Bricks of a successful solo ad at (


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