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Getting Listed and staying Listed In Search Engines

By John Horsch
Posted Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Creating High Ranking Search engine results is not a game, although many companies try to fool the search engines and make it one.

Search engines are very completive and, it seems, everyone wants to know the latest tricks or secret. Forget all that.

CONTENT-CONTENT! Yes, content is what matters to the search engines. If your pages are keyword relevant and packed with valuable content your rankings will reflect this. If you try to trick the search engines you could very well find your site banned.

One of the things you can do is write short articles that contain the content the search engines want. Help the search engines don't try to trick them.

Relax and become a content provider, not a trickster. This is a much easier way to obtain higher search engine ranking without all the games and tricks.

1. Use Keyword Phrases You Want To Use
Use hot industry keywords that are relevant to your web site. Notice I said "Use Keyword Phrases". Keyword phrases are much more effective at getting the customers you want to your page. Most people will type in search phrase, not just one word.

2. Use Focused Content and Research
Rework different resources articles and make them your own. Taking from one source is plagiarism and will get you in trouble. Reworking from 5- 10 different resources is called research. You simply want to write a short article, your not looking to write a book. Use concise content and you could find your rankings creeping up.

3. Keep articles in 300 to 500 word range Break up your articles, as I have done with this one. Search engines don't search long pages anyway. Web visitors are usually in a hurry and this format will suit them better as well.

4. Use the Keyword in your Title
The title of your article should be in BOLD print and larger than the rest of the article. Search engines recognize this bold print and the keywords contained in it.

Make a killer headline that really draws interest. Try to keep the relevant keywords in the first few words of your headline for best results.

5. Use your Keyword Phrases in your Article. Try to use your keyword phrases at least 3 times in your article and not more than 7 throughout the body of your article.

6. Place A Link to Your Web site in the article. Don't forget to place a link to your web site in your article. This will act like a doorway page to the search engines.

You should submit your web site to the search engines no more than once a month. More than that could get your site banned.

The steps above wont take you long to master. Before you know it you will have a lot of articles and a lot of traffic due to these articles.. what was the cost to you?

Not a dime...just your time.

About the Author
A 3+ year veteran of Internet marketing, John Horsch publishes The Ezine, ( and owns and operates has a full complement of advertising to meet the daily needs of Internet Marketers.

The Ezine was established in Dec. 2001 and continues to offer relevant and timely Internet Marketing news to it's 17,788 Subscribers.


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