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How to Advertise Absolutely Free

By Emma Okafor
Posted Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Advertisement is the lifeblood of any successful business. The more you advertise, the more people know about your product/service, the more sales you make. This means the more you advertise, the more money you spend. This will place a limit on your product/service awareness and encourages high spending. But advertising absolutely free greatly increases you product/service awareness without spending a dime!!! This article will show you how to advertise absolutely for free!!!

One way of doing this is to write an article relative to your particular business. Become your own publicity and sales promotion writer. Get the word you’ve established yourself as an expert in your field, and “tag-line” everything you write. List your address for a catalog, dealership opportunities or more.

Another good way is by becoming a guest on as many of the radio and television talk show or interview type programs as possible. Actually this creates more awareness than most people realize. What you do is write a letter to organizer of these programs, then follow-up with an in-person visit and a telephone call. Your contact should emphasis that your product/service would be of interest to audience or viewers of the program-perhaps save them time and money.

Other ways of getting free exposure include posting of advertising circulars on all free bulletin boards in your area, especially operated laundries, grocery stores and barber shops. You can enlist the service of a middle school students in your area help post your circular door-to-door.

Many new mail order publications offer unusually low rates to advertisers – a “free of charge” insertion of your ad when you pay for run over issues… special seasonal ad space at greatly reduced price… And, some publication will give you per inquiring space where all the orders come in publication; they take a commission from each other and then forward them on to fulfillment. These could be helpful.

Checkout for many publications in your suburban and neighbor hood newspapers for “standby” space. It means they keep your ad until they have an unsold space, and then at very reduced price (1/3 of regular price) place your ad.

Use the opportunities involved when you agree to point on someone else’s non-conflicting advertising on the back of the circulars you send out. Simply get the best price from your printer on printing one sided circulars ad for the time it would take you to fold and stuff these circulars. Then a little half what your postage costs are going to be, and then offer to print & mail other circulars with your outgoing mail for that kind of price.

Many mail order operators include a quantity of your circulars with their outgoing mail, if you’ll do the circulars of theirs. This works well.

Finally, there’s nothing in the world that beats the low-cost and huge exposure you get when you advertise a free offer. Simply run an ad offering an area of interest to most people –a simple one page report with a “tag –line” inviting them to send money for more information with a full page advertisement for your product/service on the backside-ask for a self-address, stamped envelope (SASE).

The trick here of course, is to convert all percentage of these into sales. This is done through the “tag-line” inviting them to send for more information, the full page ad on the back of the report, and the other offers you include with complete package you send back to them.

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