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How To Attract Subscribers And Grow Your List Like Crazy!

By BB Lee
Posted Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Ready to promote your fabulous new newsletter Online? The method you choose is up to you. One newsletter publisher might swear one method is great while another swears by his promotion methods. A word of advice: Try them all when you start out. Stick with the one that works for you!

Note: Interested In starting Your Own Newsletter? Great! Learn How To Start A Newsletter In 5 Easy Steps! Get your Free 5 Part Newsletter Tutorial Now! Send A Blank Email to:

The following are several of the most popular methods to attract new subscribers to your list.

Ezine Directories
Write a brief 50 words or less description of your newsletter. Include the name of the newsletter, publisher, editor, target audience, content, publication frequency, subscription address, website address.

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Newsletter List Announcement Services They will announce your publication to the Internet community. Typically, you will get an instant rush of subscribers for several days.

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Search Engines/Your Own Homepage Submit your newsletter's homepage to the top search engines. Include all relevant information and keywords in place to come up closer to the top in the searches. Try a free submission service to submit to the search engines.

Swap Ads
Swap ads with other newsletter publishers to build up your subscription list. Search newsletter directories for publishers with a similar themed newsletter. Write them a brief email suggesting an ad swap. Your newsletter ad runs in their publication for a certain number of issues and their ad runs in your publication the same number of issues. has a list of newsletter publishers who publish Ad Swap newsletters.

Advertise In Other Newsletters Search the newsletter directories again for the type of audience that would be interested in your publication. Send an email to the publisher asking for ad rates and other pertinent details for advertisers.

Signature Files
This is a great way to advertise your newsletter with every email you send out. Suppose you publish a gift basket crafters newsletter. Your sig file might be like this:

Everything you need for gift basket crafting. Subscribe FREE to Nanette's Gift Baskets. ( mailto:subscribe@giftbasket@com

Write Articles For Other Newsletters Search for Article Directories on the Internet and submit your original work to their archives. A hungry market exist for Newsletter Articles. Many publishers do not have the time to write the content for their newsletters and are on the hunt for relevant material. Once your articles are submitted they have the potential to be read by thousands of people.

Newsletter Articles:

Ultimate Profits

Marketing Seek

Dime Co

Making Profit:

Mega Success:

Free Classified Ads And Free For Alls: Write an attention grabbing headline advertising your newsletter on as many Free Ad Sites And FFA's as you can. You will get a few clicks and maybe even a few subscribers. The payoff: to familiarize the Internet community with your newsletter and attract advertisers too.

Classified Ads
( ( ( (

-------------------------------------------------- Free For All (FFA)
One of the worlds largest network of FFA Pages! ( -------------------------------------------------

Note: You might want to get a FREE email account at Hotmail or Yahoo, so your personal email box will not be cluttered with all the AD confirmations from FFA'S and FREE CLASSIFIED sites.

Still Interested In Starting Your Own Newsletter? Great! Learn How To Start A Newsletter In 5 Easy Steps! Get your Free 5 Part Newsletter Tutorial Now! Send A Blank Email to:

About the Author
BB Lee, Editor/Publisher of SmallBizBits Newsletter. The Best Things In Life...Are Free Home Biz Tips! Subscribe Today And Receive Your Free 3 E-book Bonus! (


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