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How to build the HIOD Auto-Pilot Email Marketing Machine

By Yorgo
Posted Saturday, October 9, 2004

This article was written with the goal of helping you to put more money in your pocket... plain and simple. I've made a big effort to eliminate all fluff and keep it simple, concise, and straight to the point. By the time you have finished reading it, you should have a clear understanding of exactly how to:

• Maximize the profitability of your web site,
• Greatly reduce the amount of time (and money) that you spend on marketing,
• And master the use of "Web Magnets" to pull in qualified prospects to your web site. (Prospects that will view you as a trusted friend and advisor instead of . . ."just another guy out there trying to get my money".)

As you know, the Internet is constantly evolving and changing. What works today might fail dismally tomorrow... and that's why this e-book is constantly being updated. So, before we go any further, I advise you connect to the Internet now and click here: ( to get Yorgo`s E-Book for free.

When you click the link above, your e-mail client should come up as a small window that allows you to send an email to our update list. If for some reason that doesn't happen, just send a blank e-mail to and we'll take care of you.

Get your fully downloadable free E-Book now:

When I first tried to make money on the Internet, I went about it all wrong. I wasted tons of money on advertising and worked like a slave to drive "hits" to my website. I was trying to sell people on my products...instead of creating an environment where they wanted to buy from me. Sure... I got some "traffic" but what I didn't get was orders.

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