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How To Save Your Money From A Marketing Guru Loser -Part 1

By Patric Chan
Posted Thursday, September 2, 2004

I'll bet you can't tell me who the 'real' internet marketing gurus are nowadays. There are many so called successful internet marketing gurus that are actually 'losers'.

Let me share a short true story with you.

Throughout my experience in the 'jungle' of the internet, I realized that there are so many claims and unbelievable stories.

I used to believe everything I read about the wonderful stories of ordinary people making money from the internet over night and their strategies to get there.

Now, it sounds like Alice In Wonderland to me.


I personally saw with my own eyes how REAL internet marketing gurus conduct, manage and market their businesses

No, no... I'm not talking about an e-book. No intelligent internet marketer would reveal their REAL secrets in an e-book that sells for $27.00!!

You can debate all day long, but that's my opinion about most of the internet marketing secrets e-books available today.

If they do really expose their secrets, you are actually only getting about 50% of it. No one is foolish enough to tell you everything they know and create even more competition for themselves.

I used to work for Mark Joyner last time. He is truly a great guy and a genius in internet marketing. I respect this guy for being sincere and ethical in business.

That' is why it struck me to write this article so that you will not be wrongly guided anymore.

Here are 4 typical mistakes of a 'loser' internet guru for you to spot:

(Note: 'he' in this article refers to the typical 'loser' internet marketing guru.)

1st typical loser mistake:

He doesn't reply to e-mails you sent. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he won't reply to e-mails for whatever reasons.

What's the point of giving his e-mail address in his website or in the Clickbank invoice if he will not reply to e-mails?

Oh, maybe he is some sort of guru living in a cave on top of the highest mountain without any internet connection. Who knows.

The reason this mistake happens is some successful 'gurus' get really 'big heads' once they achieve success and forget about all their fans and customers. Big loser.

2nd typical loser mistake:

He talks about the same stuff over and over again! Suddenly, one fine day, you receive an email from him telling you about his launching of his latest 2004 'killer' internet marketing secrets but he is doing a special pre-launch by the end of 2003 if you buy now.

It's like copying another internet marketer's e-book into his own e-book and copyrighting it. This way, it's considered a new product and he makes money overnight by sending it to his lists and also to his other friend's list.

This is like giving empty promises, but with a fee to those people who have high hopes for the guru's information. I use to be one of those guys; waiting for new e-book that hopefully would unlock the secret to online success.

3rd typical loser mistake:

He always tells you about his other successful buddies on the internet that were once his students.

Get a life!!!

If he is really good, his 'students' will automatically endorse his products and say good things about him. He doesn't need to tell the world about this.

He is doing this because of two major factors:

1. He's got some ego problem.

2. He's afraid of his 'student' getting better and receiving more publicity than he is at the moment.

4th typical loser mistake:

Have you ever been on a guru's newsletter list in which every single week you receive at least 1 endorsement of a JV style e-mail from this guy?

And guess what, the price is normally a little bit cheaper. I mean, I'm cool to hear his recommendations each week. He probably has a house rent to pay for and needs to make some sales.

But pleeeeaassse.... not every single new product launch!!

The worst part is this guy hasn't even read or used the product before!! That's the worst. Practically, how can a guy finish an e-book or two each week and get results so fast in a week's time every time?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not referring to weekly solo ads.

I'm referring to weekly JV's. It's a no brainer to know that this guy is making a fat affiliate commission from your purchase.


From my research I found that approximately 95% of those people trying to make a living or extra cash on the internet fail.

There are many reasons why they fail which you can read elsewhere. But one of the reasons is, there are many 'loser' marketers that add to the failing percentage of newcomers.

Learn how to 'smell' a 'loser' and don't simply follow the herd. It doesn't ALWAYS means that if all the gurus are promoting the same product, it can be a good product.

Because all those guru's could be in the losers group without you even knowing it at all.

Please understand, the mistakes pointed out above are referring to general cases. Sometimes, there is a true valid reason for that 'mistake' to happen. :)

I know a few good internet marketers. Those guys will know who they are when they read this article. Subscribe to their newsletters, send them e-mail or buy their products.

If you find this article interesting, I'm sharing my Website Traffic Generation and Secrets To Ethically Making Money Online at

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Keep in touch.

About the Author
Patric Chan



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