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How To Write Profitable Classified Ads

By Elizabeth Sinclair
Posted Saturday, October 16, 2004

Everybody wants to make more money. In fact, most people would like to hit upon something that makes them
fabulously rich! And seemingly, one of the easiest roads to the fulfillment of these dreams of wealth is selling on the internet.

The only thing is, hardly anyone gives much real thought to the basic ingredient of writing profitable classified ads. If your internet business is to succeed, then you must acquire the expertise of writing classified ads that sell your product or services!

So what makes a classified ad good or bad? First of all, it must appeal to the reader, and as such, it must say exactly what you want it to say. Secondly, it has to say what it says in the least possible number of words in order to keep your operating costs within your budget. And thirdly, it has to produce the desired results whether inquiries or sales.

Grabbing the reader's attention is your first objective. You must assume the person reading your ad is "scanning" the page on which your ad appears in the company of two or three hundred classified ads. Therefore, there has to be something about your ad that causes the reader to stop scanning and look at yours!

So, the first two or three words of your ad are of the utmost importance and deserve your careful consideration. Most surveys show that words or phrases that quickly involve the reader, tend to be the best attention-grabbers. Such words as: FREE... WIN... MAKE MONEY...

Whatever words you use as attention-grabbers, to start your ads, you should bear in mind that they'll be competing with similar attention-grabbers of the other ads on the same page. Therefore, in addition to your lead words, your ad must quickly go on to promise or state further benefits to your reader. In other words, your ad might read something like this: MAKE MONEY! Easy & Simple...We show you how!

In the language of professional copywriters, you've grabbed the attention of the person reading your ad, and interested that reader in something that even he/she can do.

The next rule of good classified copywriting has to do with the arousal of the reader's desire to get in on your offer. In a great many instances, this rule is by-passed, and it appears, this is the real reason that an ad doesn't pull according to the expectations of the advertiser.

Think about it - you've got your reader's attention; you've told him/her it's easy and simple; and you're about to ask the reader to do something. Unless you take the time to further "want your offer," your ad is going to only half turn the reader on. Your reader will compare your ad with the others that have grabbed his/her attention and finally decide upon the one that has generated the most interest.

What is being said is that here is the place for you to insert that magic word "guaranteed" or some other such word or phrase. So now, we've got an ad that reads: MAKE MONEY! Easy & Simple...We show you how! Guaranteed!

Now the reader is turned on, and in his/her mind, he/she can't lose. You're ready to ask for the reader's money. This is the "demand for action" part of your ad. This is the part where you want to use such words as: Limited offer..Act now! - Write today! - Introductory Price..Buy Now!

Putting it all together, then your ad might read something like this:

MAKE MONEY WITH POWERFUL ADS! With our Easy & Simple Solution, you can learn how to write Winning Classified Ads...Guaranteed! Introductory Price of only $00.00! Go to (

These are the ingredients of any good classified ad - Attention- Interest - Desire - Action... With these four ingredients skillfully integrated into your ad, your profits will increase accordingly.
Create Money Pulling Ads Like Magic! The Classified Ads Promotion Ebook contains all of the resources and techniques you need to write Money Pulling Ads! Complete Resell Rights. Go to: (

Create Classified Ads That Will Make You Money! Classified ads can bring in Huge Profits -- but only if you know the PROVEN PRINCIPLES for attracting customers. Get the resources and tools you need to write Money Pulling Ads. Complete Resell Rights!

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