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Instant Profits with Cross Promotion

By Terry Telford
Posted Thursday, October 14, 2004

Business is business. Whether you are marketing online or offline, the same principles apply. Yes there are differences, but think about the marketing tactics used offline that you can apply to your online business.

Here's a quick idea that can instantly generate a profit for you. Cross promotion.

How many times have you seen offers like this:

Get a FREE tent when you buy a new canoe, today!

Get a FREE movie pass when you have dinner with us!

And of course this works online.

Have you subscribed to an online newsletter (eZine) lately? If you didn't get a FREE eBook or FREE report with your subscription, it would be surprising. The Marketing Pack Journal comes with a FREE eBook showing you how to increase your sales by 1200%. Simply click on and see how fast and easy it can be done.

But let's take this concept one step further. Have you thought about the potential of cross promoting one or more of your products to one or more of your lists?

Many businesses, on and offline, have multiple lists. A list of customers for specific products, a list of prospects, a list of eZine or newsletter subscribers and many others. You can make instant profits from cross promoting to these lists and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.

For example, I have a members only list for my Massive Passive Advertising Machine team ( When I bought the PopUp Generator software, which came with resale rights, I sent a quick mail to my MPAM team and presto, I sell a few copies of the PopUp Generator (

Now the MPAM team members who bought the PopUp Generator are also included in my customer list. The next item that I purchase with resale rights will be announced to both of these lists. It's a never ending chain of guaranteed sales.

It's not a complicated process, and it certainly isn't rocket science. It just takes a little initiative, a pinch of creativity and a drop of energy to make it work. Include this technique in your marketing toolbox and your sales will improve. Guaranteed!

Good luck and God Bless.

About the Author
Terry Telford is the author of the popular ebook, Website Ladder, and the founder of bpc publishing, your resource center for quality online marketing and traffic tools. Visit ( today!


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