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By Bola Oni
Posted Monday, September 6, 2004

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Wherever I go to and in most mails I receive, the ever recurring question is how a newbie can make money on the Internet. I have always tried to douse the flame of doubt exhibited by most new
comers to the Net, about making money online. Most of them see all that established Net marketers say, as spurious claims and just a means of sweet tonguing them to part with their hard-earned cash. The truth is just that we've all being there: both established and upcoming marketers. We have at one time doubted those claims but the only thing is that we never allow our unbelief to rob us of the golden opportunity that the Internet offers. We decided to jump into the fray not minding
whether we get burned or not, and that has been the GREATEST decision most of us have made. Yes, as it is easy for a guru to make money online, so also is it easy for a lay man to make money as well on the Net. Most newbies are always afraid when they are told that the best way to make money online is to create their own product. They believe they never have what it takes to produce the much needed product, and if even they can, their belief is that it will take eternity to do that. All these assumptions are quite true, but is there no other way to enjoy the online largesse? Something like a short cut? Yeah! There is a very simple and easy way to eat out of the online pie. The easy way out, is to buy an already created product and resell it as your own! Hello! Are you still with me? So many top class people: Marketers, authors, publishers et al, have produced so
many great products (digital) which you only need to pay a stipend to get. You don't need to go through any stress to get this done. No need for knowledge of web designing, scripting, or
writing a sales letter, the products owners have been so kind enough to handle all that for you. All you just need is to get a domain name and a cheap web host ( or even FREE) where you'll
upload your turnkey website and with some amount of marketing, you will be inducted into the online millionaires club in no much time. Did I ever mention that all the money you make from the
sales of these products, is FULLY yours after paying the stipend to get the product(s)? Yes! All the money! With this, the sky cannot be your limit but your beginning. Wonder what you are waiting for again. COME ON GET ON BOARD AND LET'S GO! To your success,

About the Author
Bola Oni is the webmaster/ owner of (, a haven for tons of ebooks, articles, reports, resources and freebies that can help increase your chance of making it BIG on the Net quickly. You can reach him emailing: if there is any question or comment you have.


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