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Lessons Learned In Promoting My Business

By Kevin Purfield
Posted Thursday, August 5, 2004

When I first joined network marketing, I was so excited. I read all of the materials. I searched every website for tips on promoting my new business. I made home made business cards and passed them out. I called all of my friends and family members. I was so excited that I forgot to become knowledgeable about the products that I was promoting. I was frustrated and sold very little items.

I went back to the internet and searched for hours a day looking for a solution to my problem. Then I started studying the executives in my network, trying to figure out what they had that I didn’t and wondering what I needed to do to obtain the skills and success that they had. I also thought about what qualities I liked and disliked in the people that I do business with. I made a list of the qualities. I knew that I liked people who were open, honest and knowledgeable about their company and products. I liked individuals who took my concerns into consideration and would do everything possible to make me feel important and special. I liked professional looking people who were neat, clean-cut and who fit my idea of what success looked like. Someone who was not your “typical, pushy salesman.” Someone who makes me feel that they would want to speak with me even if they weren’t trying to sell something.

I stopped everything that I was doing and began to plan my strategy. I wanted to improve my image and my business’ image. The first thing that I did was to order some beautiful business cards from, that portrayed my image and my companies new image. I am in the natural nutritional supplement industry so I chose a beautiful ocean picture as my background. It looks so professional that I am embarrassed that I ever passed out those homemade cards that I mentioned earlier. While my cards were being processed and shipped, I started reading everything possible about my network and the products that I was promoting. I also made sure that my network, Unicity, was legitimate and a member of the Better Business Bureau.

I learned as much as I could about natural supplements including how they interact with certain prescription medicines. I also gained knowledge by using my own products. I really didn’t understand how powerful and important natural supplements were until I started using my own products. This helped my business tremendously because I got excited about my products and people knew that I was sincere and honest. I also started looking better. My hair started looking very healthy and it grew! My skin got smooth and clear. The white parts of my eyes (schlera) got whiter. My sisters started asking me for supplements. They became loyal customers.

Since I was looking better, I decided that I needed to work on my image and how others would see me. I went to Marshals and got a new business wardrobe. For those of you not familiar with Marshals, it’s a department store that sells name brand clothes for half the regular price. After working on my image and gaining knowledge of my products and the company, I felt more confident in introducing my business to others. The most important thing that I learned is that nutritional supplements are powerful and people are very careful of what they put in their bodies, but if they know that you are using the products, they feel more at ease and they are more likely to become a customer.

Since I started using my products, people have come up to me wondering how my hair grew or why I have so much energy. I explain my products and they become customers. I also treat people with respect and make them feel that I am extremely happy to see them, whether they’re a customer or not. People love to feel welcomed and special. I’ve gained so many friends and people always want me around them because I make them feel special. Whenever I host a party I invite all of my friends and I make sure that I have a few catalogs lying around and business cards sitting in a card holder. People will naturally take a few, without me saying a word.

What I’ve realized is that everyone wants to look and feel their best, but they need guidance because there are so many products and so many false claims in this industry. If you show concern and are honest you will go far in this industry. It will take time to develop your own personal style but don’t give up.

I hope that this article has inspired you to develop your image and improve your business.

About the Author
Pennie Ochipa


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