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Link your way to FREE traffic

By Freddie Crossberg
Posted Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Is it possible to seriously increase your website traffic without spending the rest of your life learning the "down and dirty" secrets of getting top listings in the search engines, or wasting your time with web promotion tricks that - at the end of the day - simply DOESN’T work?

Of course it is. So there is a secret magical formula? Well the concept has been around for a while and is known as Linking Strategies. If it is magic you are after then you are wasting your time reading this. To implement an effective linking
campaign you need to take 3 Action Steps, then you need some time and persistence.

Linking strategies are easy to implement, easy to understand, and are so predictable you can set your watch by them. Yes the beginning might be a bit slow and it will take up some of your time, but do it right and you will reap the benefits for weeks, months and even years to come. So lets take a look at the 3 Action Steps I mentioned above.

**Action Step #1**

Determine who you are and what you stand for. Ask yourself this question: What do I want to accomplish online? whether it's selling products or services of your own or as an affiliate, it is important to define yourself. Don’t be like a lot of the people I see who jump around from one program to the next without any focus on what exactly they want to accomplish, other than "Making it big on the Net dude"

Now, and not one minute later, is the time to look into exactly what the focus of your online presence will be. Make a decision as to what primary category(s) your website will fit into and what other sites on the World Wide Web will compliment it. If you do not know what you are shooting for then how will you know if you have hit the target? Once you
have determined the focus of your site, you will be one step closer to successfully implement linking strategies ; )

**Action Step 2**

Like Jeans and Sneakers, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Your site and _________. Determine which sites will compliment your own. Have you ever found the information you where looking for on a website that compliments yours but does not directly compete with you? Happens to me all the time. You sell diamonds and the other site is a diamond appraisal service. Now you can take a look at which categories your site falls in as determined in Action Step 1 and decide which webmasters to
contact to swap links with

**Action Step 3**

Find out who links to your site. This is quick, easy and my favourite part, its FREE and there’s no strings attached ; ) Go to ( and download the free tool. I bet that you will find several links to your site that you didn't know about. Some you will like. Some will put a frown on your face. The next thing you might want to do to help you narrow your focus is to view a comparison of your site's link popularity to your competitors and other popular websites at (

The 3 Action Steps helps you to determine:

· What you want to accomplish with your online venture
· Which sites will fit your own site like a glove
· Who already links to your site and how that
· Compares with your competitors

Once you have completed the 3 Action Steps you will enter the "time" and "persistence" phase of your linking campaign
which involves building a links directory, publishing outbound links and requesting inbound links. Like I said before, it will be slow in the beginning but the benefits are so huge that you simply cannot ignore Linking Strategies as a vehicle for obtaining FREE traffic.

To wrap up I want to point out the 5 biggest advantages of Reciprocal Linking

· Builds bridges for qualified traffic from related sites to your site.
· Increases link popularity,
· Helps search engines find your pages
· Increase rank.
· Creates awareness of your website

A Simple, Easy, Step-By-Step System for linking your way to more FREE traffic than you ever dreamed of. Download the 100% FREE report today at (

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