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Marketing Wizard Shares Her 2004 Marketing Forecast

By Catherine Franz
Posted Wednesday, September 1, 2004

With next year just around the corner, Internet Marketing Wizard, Catherine Franz, is sharing some tips on what to expect in 2004 that could possibly affect your business.

* Interrupt marketing is still fading in 2004, actually decreasing tremendously faster than in 2003. And could be totally eliminated by consumer voice and some new government regulations being proposed.

* Legitimate advertising climbing.

* Required planned marketing strategies doubling in order to stay ahead in building trust and continuing a legitimate marketing campaign.

* Online trial by error marketing will continue to fade to almost nil by the end of 2004.

* Online surfers increased their sophisticated in 2003 and will double in 2004.

* E-commerce is going to make some drastic changes in transaction smoothness.

* Website hosting companies are going to begin to need to create other backend revenue because hosting prices are going to drop considerably due to larger companies providing more hosting services fee in order to attract higher numbers to make bigger revenues from their mailing list numbers.

* Viral marketing is going to get easier, prove to increase its usefulness and will triple its popularity for promoting products and services. Expected numbers are predicted to be off the charts.

* Referral or Word of mouth promotion is still the number one answer to marketing in 2004. There will be big increase in referrals, joint ventures, and strategic alliances.

* Bragging will be on the increase and will become even more sociably accepted in sales than in 2003.

* Fierce competitor competition among services companies will decline just slightly as companies run to catch up on learning to marketing cleanly.

* Web sites going e-commerce will double its numbers from 2003.

What part of this prediction affects your business in 2004. What plans have you made to "adopt and adapt" your marketing strategies to handle these variables.

About the Author
Catherine Franz is a marketing industry veteran, a Certified Business Coach, Certified Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, author. You can subscribe to her award winning daily marketing ezine -- Light Bulb Moment at: (


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