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My First Steps (They Were The Right Ones!)

By James F. Williams
Posted Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I started my internet journey with an Instant Internet Empires Website. (Frank Kern's Genious Creation) He made a fortune selling these website Set-ups. I set out to learn as much as I could about making money on the internet. One of the first things I learned was about "pay-per-click search engines, like In case you don't know, pay-per-click sites like Overture allow you to sign up and start an account whereby you search for keywords, find out the maximum bid and place your bid. You can also look for related search terms and phrases (The farther down the list ,generally speaking, the less expensive the pay-per-click cost The idea is to find keywords that are LESS THAN 20 CENTS. Let me repeat that..LESS THAN 20 CENTS! Do not make the mistake that I did. I being a competitor always wanted the #1 position and you can end up in a bidding war. DON'T DO IT ! It is ok to be #2 or #3 or even #4or5 for a while. I even had a fellow SFI affilliate email me asking how I got that #1 listing on Alta Vista. It was from my bid on Overture that did it. Very,very simple.

Now back to my website. I wanted my website to work just like Frank Kern's. I wanted to be Frank Kern. I even set up pop ups just like he had on his website and I added an offer for a free Ebook from Marlon Sanders. You have to offer some incentive to subscribers to subscribe to your newsletter from your pop up . Either a free report or Ebook as an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter or your autoresponder series.

However, I wasn't making much money. So, I decided to start " Multiple Streams of Income.". I was a follower of Frank Kern and Shawn Casey and recieved all of their information and spent lots of money with them but I learned. Shawn sent me an invitation to join SFI (Six Figure Income). I joined initially as an affilliate and after studying SFI and taking their SMART START I was on my way. The first thing I did again was to search for "pay-per-click" keywords on Overture relating to Home Business, Internet Job Opportunities,Work at Home,Free Internet Business,etc. It's a little work but well worth it my friends. Once you have your keywords in your account they stay there! Set your bids; MAX .20 cents if you like and your done. I do reccomend that you check your bids and therefore your placement about once a week or so. THE TRICK: FIND KEYWORDS THAT ARE LESS USED THAT ARE THERFORE LESS EXPENSIVE! Remember Overture is used by many , many search engines,so that your position on Overture will give you position on many other search engines, i.e. Alta Vista, MSN , etc. This is when I started making money!

The Steps I took:
1. Joined SFI : (
2. Completed Smart Start
3. Went to Overture ; searched for keywords and placed my bids.
4. The most important part! I got Multi-Income Qualified ( I joined what is now IAHBE ) and renewal and SVP are automatic.
5. Sat back and watched the affilliates roll in. I had 4 my first week! AND became an PTL (Powerline Team Leader) very very quickly.
6. I want my subscribers to succeed as I have. Join me and start making some money!

P.S. This information will be in my new Ebook.

Next Edition: What not to Do!

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