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Not Sure If Your Online Advertisement is Working?

By Karen Fegarty
Posted Friday, August 6, 2004

Without tracking, your online advertising is just a shot in the dark. Many new and seasoned marketing individuals spend significant dollars on banner advertisements, ezline ads, and other online media but do not know which ads have brought them the greatest success.

The following is a list of online advertising methods that you may or may not be using. It is important to track all of your online advertisement. This is the only way to determine which method works best for you and where you should spend your hard earned dollars.

· Site links
· Articles
· Ezine advertisement
· Banner ads
· Signatures Tag
· Forum postings
· Email marketing promotions
· FFA postings
· Free Classified listings
· Paid Classified listings
· Surveys
· Auto responder
· Pay-per-click listing
· Reciprocal link

How do you track your advertising? There are basically two ways of tracking your advertising; sign up for a service or purchase ad tracking software to install on your server.:

A service such as ezTrackZ ( will manage all aspects of your tracking on their servers. This is a web-based tool that will allow you to quickly create your tracking links and report your results in real-time. Other examples of service based ad tracking are Hypertracker ( and goToast ( Cost varies from $17 per month to $67 per year depending on which service you choose.

You can also purchase software such as AdTrackZ ( to manage your own tracking. Software like AdTrackZ must be installed and managed on your server and is available for a one-time cost.

Which ever method you choose, start now and stop wasting valuable time and dollars on unsuccessful advertising.

About the Author:
Karen Fegarty is a professional marketer working with both MailWorkZ and ezTrackZ. Check out the ezTrackZ ad tracker product at ( and MailWorkZ’s flagship email marketing tool., Broadc@st at (


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