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Search Engine Submissions Made Easy! (Part 2)

By Robin Nobles
Posted Tuesday, February 10, 2004

This article is continued from Part I which was published in SiteProNews on Monday. Part I can be read by visiting the SPN Archives.


  • Upon submission, your pages will make it into the AltaVista index within 2 business days.
  • Your pages are respidered every 24 hours.
  • The term of the pay inclusion program is 6 months.
  • Reporting services are included, such as tracking submissions and transactions through their online Account Management Center.
  • The audience reach of AltaVista, according to Nielsen NetRatings in October 2002, was: AltaVista: 4.4% . Source:
  • Cost? $39 for the first URL, and $29 each for 2-10 URL's, then $19 each for 11 to 500 URLs. So, the total cost for our three pages for **six months** would be $97. The cost per year would be $194.

AltaVista's pay inclusion is more expensive than the others, and AV doesn't have the coverage that some of the other engines have. Plus, their pay inclusion program is only for six months, as compared to a full year with the other programs.

So, you'll have to decide whether you feel it's worth the cost.

AltaVista is the one engine where you can still use their free add URL without being placed into the same category as the huge group of "free add URL spammers," because AltaVista's free add URL process doesn't allow mass submissions. Instead, their unique "puzzle submission" process requires you to enter a submission code into the submission box, and you can only submit five URLs at no cost. So, if you want to use free add URL for one of the engines, AltaVista's is the one to use.

Total Costs So Far
With our example, considering that this is a brand new Web site with zero visibility, we'll figure out the cost for our three pages based on using AltaVista's pay inclusion program and on not using their program.

Subtotal of Yearly Pay Inclusion Costs Without AltaVista:
$221 (for 3 pages) (Includes the Inktomi engines, the Fast engines, Teoma, and Ask Jeeves. This does NOT include AltaVista.)

Subtotal of Yearly Pay Inclusion Costs With AltaVista:
$415 (for 3 pages) (Includes the Inktomi engines, the Fast engines, Teoma, Ask Jeeves, and AltaVista.)


You might be wondering why I haven't listed the Yahoo! directory in this listing of pay inclusion programs. With the way that Yahoo! now displays results, which are almost a duplication of Google results, the importance of submitting to the Yahoo! directory at a yearly cost of $299 has diminished. Depending on where things go from here with Yahoo!, having purchased the Inktomi engine, this is subject to immediate change. But, at this point in time, paying to be included in the Yahoo! directory isn't anywhere near as important as it once was. If you have good visibility in Google, you should have good visibility in Yahoo!.

But, our site is brand new, and the advantage to Yahoo!'s pay inclusion program is that your site will be reviewed for possible inclusion within 7 working days. So, depending on our finances, we may want to add Yahoo!'s pay inclusion costs, just so we can get fast visibility for our new site.

(According to Nielson NetRankings in October 2002, the audience reach of Yahoo! was 28.5%. Source:

Total of Yearly Pay Inclusion Costs
Including Yahoo!, but not AltaVista: $520 (Includes the Inktomi engines, the Fast engines, Teoma, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo!. This does NOT include AltaVista.)

Total of Yearly Pay Inclusion Costs
Including both Yahoo! and AltaVista: $714 (Includes the Inktomi engines, the Fast engines, Teoma, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo!, and AltaVista.)


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