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The Incredible System For Successfully Marketing Affiliate Products!

By Grady Smith
Posted Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Yes, there is a time-tested system that lets you really increase your profit potential when marketing affiliate programs. And within this article, I'll walk you through the set up of the system so you can use it to start pulling bigger commission checks through affiliate marketing.

First ... and most obvious ... you need to find the right product and match it to the right market. Some things you might ask yourself when searching for an affiliate product you want to promote is:

* Will the actual product sales letter convert well?

* Can you specifically identify the perfect prospect for the product?

* Do you know where to find this perfect prospect?

* Is the market for this product already heavily saturated?

After figuring out your perfect prospect and the product they'll want, create a free report that you can offer to these prospects to get them to YOUR website before sending them through an affiliate link.

The idea is to create a free report that you can give away from your website. And this is powerful for a few different reasons...

First, all of your advertising becomes more powerful because you're offering something for free in your ads.

Second, the right free report title calls out to your perfect prospect -- the one that will be most interested in the product you're about to promote

And third, offering a free report that's irresistible to your target prospect is a way to capture their email address for later follow-up. Instead of just sending them straight through the affiliate link, you're able to market to them over and over again.

To illustrate some free report ideas, here are a few fictitious products and the free reports you could create for them:

Product: "Diving on a Shoestring -- The Best Places To Dive For Cheap"
Report: " How To Scuba Dive Around The World On A Hundred Dollar Budget"

Product: "How To Train Your Dog In Under A Week"
Report: "10 Fast Ways To Improve Your Dog's Behavior"

Product: "Common Computer Problems -- And Their Quick Solutions"
Report: "10 Computer Diseases That Are Probably Wrecking Havoc On Your System -- And How To Easily Cure Them"

Basically, it's taking an existing product and simply creating a "teaser" report for it. Something that will target your prospect and get them to respond.

Now reports don't need to be long. Just a couple of pages can suffice. But the stronger the information -- the more powerful the compulsion to buy the product.

After creating your free report, create a sales letter to offer it. Even though you're offering something for free, it's not a given that everyone will instantly give out their email address to get it. You have to make them want it. And writing a sales letter for your free report that makes it so irresistible they'd be willing to give you money for it, is a sure-fire way to quickly collect a large majority of email addresses from those visiting your website.

Of course, to get your free report, they need to trigger an autoresponder by sending their email address to it. And that means you're collecting their information in exchange for the free report.

The first message of your autoresponder series can be nothing more than the free report and a link with no text to the affiliate product you're promoting. The second message can contain even more information on the same subject, and then a link to the affiliate program again.

After the second message, each following message should be sales oriented and pointing the reader through your affiliate link. I would write about 3 messages like this and have the autoresponder send them out over the course of a few days.

And finally, after promoting one affiliate link through 5 autoresponder messages, I would find two comparable affiliate programs that are perfect for your target prospect, but just a little different. And then I would write two sales messages for your autoresponder series that promotes these two new affiliate links.

After creating your "system", it's just a matter of getting some traffic to the web page to start the process. This is easily accomplished through various ads that announce you're giving away a free report. Your perfect prospect will come for it. And you'll start the process of selling the multiple affiliate products on complete auto-pilot.

About the Author
FREE: "Secrets of Hard-Hitting Sales Letters" Ebook when you visit Grady's website: ( And stop by to find out how you can get a responsive sales letter, autoresponder, or ad at a price you can afford: Click: (


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