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The Pros and Cons of Three Common Internet Marketing Strategies.

By Hans Klein
Posted Thursday, October 28, 2004

Get a bigger picture of three common issues regarding Internet marketing to help you make the best decision. Have you ever been confused by two different strategies in your online marketing efforts?

I see the inconsistency of ideas all the time, whether I am sending out my ezine or selling products online. So, in this article, I will quickly go through the two different sides of three, largely-debated issues and let you decide what is best for you by pointing out the pros and cons of each issue.

Three Common Online Marketing Debates

1. Html vs. text format emails- The question over which of these two formats work best is a big debate. Some people say the internet is not ready for HTML, while others say HTML is taking over.

Pros of HTML

* Easier to read which results in higher click-through rates

* More flexibility in the look and feel of your email. (This is especially useful for designing ezine issues.)

Cons of HTML

* Takes too long for dial-up users to download and frustrates these readers.

* Spammers are starting to use HTML as their favorite format, and this means your email might more easily be mistaken for Spam.

* Some people's email readers can't read HTML, and all they will see is the code you used to create your email.

Pros of Text

* Gives a more personal feel to your email because it is more like a letter.

* People are used to text emails, and they can be read by everybody.

Cons of Text

* Can be difficult to read if an email is to lengthy.

* Allows very little flexibility in the design of your emails.

Final Thought- My personal favorite format is HTML because you can overcome the cons simply by keeping the HTML simple. You can do this by only including one, or at most two, graphics and following a letter format.

2. Long vs. short copy - Another way of putting this would be to ask, 'How long should a sales letter be?'

Pros of long copy

* You may get to address more objections, and, if this is the case, you will receive more sales.

* You let your customers know exactly what they are getting even before they purchase your product. By doing this, they will know the value in your product and use your product more because they know all the benefits.

Cons of long copy

* Some people may argue that readers won't read long copy because they don't have the time.

Pros of short copy

* Straight and to the point. Short copy quickly gets the reader excited and then they buy.

* Easier to write.

Cons of short copy

* When you don't address objections, you lose sales.

* If you don't include all the benefits of your product, the reader won't know why they should buy your product.

Final thought- The bottom line of this issue is you need to address all the issues of your product. If the salesletter ends up being short and you do address all objections and give benefits, your sales won't be effected.

3. The question of pop-ups

Pros of pop-ups

* They create extra sales for other products.

* They can be a powerful tool to increase subscribers to your list.

Cons of pop-ups

* Entry Pop-Ups draw attention away from your main salesletter, and reduce sales to your main product.

* They annoy the user.

* If the pop-ups are unrelated to your product, they reduce your credibility.

* Some argue, 'They have the pop-up killers now, so why bother?'

Final thought- Pop- ups are becoming less effective, but they still work in increasing sales and subscribers. To answer the question of how many and whether you should use pop-ups, you need to ask yourself if the pop-up is necessary.

To answer if the pop-up is necessary you need ask:

' Is your subscriber sign-up form clearly visible and do they draw your visitors' attention?' If the answer is no, then maybe pop-ups are the solution for you.

With products, you need to ask ' Does this product fit in with the product on the main page?' If the answer is no, then your visitor probably won't be interested in the pop-up, and it is not worthwhile to use it.


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