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Use Sensory Media To Get Publicity

By Ana Ventura
Posted Monday, October 25, 2004

A few months ago, I was pulling out of a parking lot when a huge van caught my eye. It wasn't the vehicle so much as the fact that there was a gigantic television screen attached to the back. I was so wrapped up in watching the screen that when the van pulled out of my view, I finally remembered that I was driving, not in a position to be paying attention to anything other than the road.

No, I'm not going to give you a ten point guide to safe driving. The idea here is that our society is becoming more attune to electronic information everyday, whether it happens to be through computers, the Internet, or traveling TV screens.

More people are getting their daily dose of news or information from, or the twenty four hour a day news channel, or from the radio on the drive home. It's imperative to remember that while print can still be a great form of marketing or public relations contacts, our minds are much more used to pulling in sensory information from electronic sources.

Furthermore, the intimacy of radio, television, and sometimes the Internet can give you the upper hand when it comes to selling yourself to prospects. Seeing your face, hearing your voice, or getting to view the actual product are big factors in easing the natural anxieties many prospective buyers have when it comes to purchasing.

By having your face or voice appear on television, radio programs, or on a web site, people start to feel like they know you personally, which ignites a sense of trust. This approach can also throw a little bit of fame into the mix, especially if you are a knowledgeable authority in your particular field.

If you have the means to purchase paid advertising on radio or television, all the better for you. But, if you are like many small business owners, finding the funds to take on such a big project can be a little more challenging.

So, why not try to get booked as a guest on a local TV or radio show? Find out who the producer is, because he or she, NOT the host, decides who will appear for interviews and such. The key thing to remember is that you need to be accessible if you really want to get booked.

The advantages to using sensory media are really unlimited: you can create a personable, friendly image while demonstrating your product and setting enthusiasm about your business. Of course, the best marketing and public relations attempts are far more effective when a mix of print and sensory media are used.

About the Author
Ana Ventura specializes in helping businesses, organizations, and individuals get media coverage. She is a PR expert at DrNunley's ( , a site specializing in affordable publicity services. She also writes for the Ezine Ad Package at ( Reach Ana at or 801-328-9006.


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