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Viral Marketing Strategy with all free tools

By Saqib Ali
Posted Thursday, September 2, 2004

The best form of marketing is "mouth advertisement', some amusingly term it "mouse advertisement". You place a simple form at your website and allow your visitors to recommend your site to their friends. This trusted recommendation is followed by multiplying flow of new traffic with a positive frame of mind.

Some top gurus including Ken Evoy and Paul Barrs have been using this strategy effectively. Paul Barrs' "Ultimate Traffic Secret" is no more available due to termination of "Let'em Know" free service. Ken Evoy is still using this viral marketing system for his affiliates. However, this robust strategy fires back when you miss any of its basic elements.

Elements of Mouth Advertisement

Valuable Product with Powerful Sales Letter

Carlos Gracia has rightly summed up calculation of Mark Joyner that people are in short of time, money and traffic on the internet.

Why your visitors will waste their time, pay to the ISP and lose their prospects for your benefit?

You have to pay them back with some value. It might be money, unique product or traffic. Without this basic element none of your "Tell Your Friends", "Recommend Us", "Refer Others", type of scripts can yield desired results.

The best return for visitors' time and cost can be a unique information product. You can write a book and turn that to digital with any free or paid ebook compiler. But you still need to convince your visitors that your product is unique, valuable and necessary to relieve them of their failures. You have to write a killer sales letter that can sell like crazy.

For maximum benefits you can purchase some killer product with master reprint (customization) rights. You are also required special privilege to give that info product away for free. You have also to purchase the sales letter or write one of your own to convince your visitors that they shall be properly rewarded for their time and effort. These few dollars shall save your time, money and traffic.

I have been testing this strategy with Alpha del Bosque's special report "How to Create Killer Mini Sites that Sell Like Crazy?" for a limited time. This well set formula in ten colored blocks is sold for $25.95 to $39.97 but I have special privilege to give it away free.

Click here to download:


[…….Warning Note: You can download and give away this report free but can't customize without purchasing master resale rights for $249.00. However, Carlos has been throwing away these rights to his subscribers.
Subscribe "Wealthy Secrets Newsletter" at ( to get best out of viral marketing blaster.]

Powerful Script


You have customized your links and uploaded your website then what…..?

Search any engine for "Tell your friends", "recommend your friends", "Tell others about us" or any such phrase. You shall see thousands of the links leading to the same keywords. But as an old adage everything that glitters is not gold, every script or service is not equal. You can search for a script which meets your requirement for a perfect "mouth advertising" viral marketing system.

* You need to edit text of the email message that your visitors shall send to their friends.

* You need to decrease/increase number of friends which can be contacted through one form.

* You need to edit text, color, graphics, style and pictures at the form that fits to you website scheme.

* You need to host the script at your own servers with full control to avoid closer of your system.

* You need to make your script secure with passwords. However, you also need a script which can't be accesses from any browser.

* You need a script which not only records Email and IP addresses of the visitors but also send these details to the recipients. You shall most probably avoid spam complaints.

* You need a script which doesn't allow your visitors to send emails to the same recipient once or twice a week.

* You need a script which leads your visitors to your email list subscription page to receive the download links. However, if you replace the email list with some powerful autoresponder, you can set everything on auto pilot. You can get unlimited autoresponders with unlimited messages FREE just subscribing to the Wealthy Secrets Newsletter at: (

When you set everything correctly your robust marketing machine shall start working for you even with one visitor to your website. You can visualize your web business by multiplying current traffic with 5 (if you use 5 fields in the form) for the coming weeks. Before going further, answer one question…..

How much you are ready to pay for such a powerful script?

Good News……………

I know a secret place from where this powerful script is available for free. Just test my idea at ( and follow the steps. You shall soon receive an email which shall not only contain download link for "Killer Mini Sites" report but also the place to download this script free.

How to Enhance Your Viral Marketing Powers?

Some gurus claim that life of the popups is over. However, my statistics show that 70% of my subscribers are still coming from small corner popups. If you want to enhance effectiveness of your system, you can use popups with a link to your sales page for this system.

What Shall you get if everything is set right?

The best results shall come from your understanding and implementation of this strategy. If you have done anything correctly, you shall slowly develop powerful streams of income without moving a finger.

* You shall get more and more traffic on every passing day. This positive minded traffic shall boost your sales.

* You shall sell your back end products through your powerful unique info product.

* You shall sell your back end products through your autoresponders.

* Your whole system shall be automated.

Simply set it and forget it!

About the Author
Saqib Ali publishes weekly electronic magazine for home based business owners. Visit ( or send an email to to subscribe "The Homebizine" and download "Answer to Money, Time and Traffic" *Absolutely Free*. Also download bonuses of $125.00 free.


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