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What's In Your Advertising Toolbox? Part 2

By Tim Bossie
Posted Sunday, August 8, 2004

Part 2 Another Widespread Ad Tool

The first part of this series concentrated on giving you the basic information on advertising and two very powerful tools to get started with.

While ezine ads and solo ads are the work horses of your advertising campaign, they are doing all the initial work for name recognition and directing traffic to your site, you do have to spend some money for quality use of these tools.

But, while they can handle the brunt of the work, there is another very important advertising tool that can...

... reach hundreds of thousands of very targeted prospects
... give a first time impression of your product
... save a bundle of money; it's free!

Widespread Advertising Without Actually Advertising


How can that be done?

It's done with a very powerful advertising and marketing tool that can do wonders for an immediate boost in not only targeted, motivated visitors, but also sales of your product or service.

I'm talking about writing articles, with a short information box attached to the end of it that explains your business and displays your URL, and having them published in ezines or on websites.

Wait a minute!

Before you say it..... Yes! You can write an article, but that's actually information for another time.

Right now you need to know just how incredibly powerful articles are in your advertising.

Covers A Large Amount of Territory Very Quickly

Much like solo ads, an article, when published in an ezine, can be instantly sent to hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Get your article published in multiple ezines, or displayed on a number of websites, and you've created a mammoth traffic generating machine that can funnel millions of targeted visitors to your site.

Articles are even a more powerful form of targeting visitors because when a person is reading your article, they are reading about something they want to learn more about.

A Lot Cheaper Than Ads

Actually, they're free.

Articles don't cost a penny to have published in another ezine. Ezine publishers, or most of them anyway, welcome well written articles they can use in their ezines to keep a steady flow of relevant and timely information going out to their subscribers.

Creates Only Targeted And Motivated Visitors

I've already mentioned the fact that most people who will be reading your article, actually want to read the information.

So, if you're selling something like an ebook, and you've written a short article that does along the same topic of your ebook, the reader is getting a free evaluation of your writing style and the quality of what they might find in your ebook.

By showing them, with the use of an resource, or information, box attached to the bottom of your article, how to get more info about whatever topic, they will already be motivated to buy your ebook.

This is much better than any form of search engine, or PPC search engine, advertising. The reader already knows what they will find in your product, and likes your writing. They don't have any kind of suspicion that is always present when reading a sales letter.

Prolonged Advertising For Free

The best thing about articles is you can list them with an article directory like the one at ( and give countless ezine publishers access to your article for years.

Imagine the power that type of free advertising has on your business and your profits.

You Don't Have To Be Mark Twain To Write

Yes, I know. Writing an article can be incredibly intimidating, but it doesn't have to be if you just follow a few simple steps.

Write about what you know.

Don't try to write the Great American Novel.

Write like you talk.

Make it to the point, clear and concise.

If you can follow those steps, you'll be able to create a great article that ezine publishers will want to use and subscribers will want to read.

About the Author
Tim Bossie is the owner of Northern Pine Marketing Services and specializes in writing original and creative solo ads in just 2 hours! Find out more about this incredible service by going to (
Plus, check out his brand new ebook, "How To Achieve High Profits With Solo Ads!" that details the 7 Important Building Bricks of a successful solo ad at (


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