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What's In Your Advertising Toolbox? Part 3

By Tim Bossie
Posted Sunday, August 8, 2004

Part 3 Tools For Repeat Visitors and Repeat Sales

The first two parts of this series dealt with those important pieces of your campaign that actually go out into the Internet and bring in the people to your site.

Now we're going to change our focus to what happens AFTER these people have visited your site.

When I first started my online business I took it for granted that if I just placed a few ezine ads here and there, the rest would take care of itself.

I figured that when people came to my site, saw my product, they would buy. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

Numerous studies have shown that it takes a person anywhere from 7 to 15 exposures to your ad before they will click on it. That doesn't count the number of times they need to see your product before they buy it.

Even if it just took seven exposures before someone visited your site, that adds up to a whopping advertising bill every month.

Then you're not even guaranteed a sale.

But, you can put the odds back in your favor and save money by having secondary advertising tools go to work after the initial first wave has done it's job.

The Key To Success

Every business needs one thing to survive. It doesn't matter if it's online or offline.

You need repeat.

Repeat visitors and repeat customers.

But, that won't happen if you rely soley on tiny ads placed in ezines to do all the work for you. They get the people into your site, but they don't keep them coming back. Unless you keep spending your money to advertise to the same people.

That doesn't make good business sense.

So, the key to your success is to have another line of advertising keep your URL, your product, and yourself in front of your first time visitors so they will come back.

Teach Them Something

The very best way to keep people coming back to your site is to have them sign up for a simple email course that is pre-loaded into an autoresponder.

Once the visitor has signed up (ie. given you their email address), they start to receive emails, automatically, that teach them whatever your topic of expertise is. By using the course you are accomplishing a number of important objectives..

1. You are showing the quality of your work and information that can be found within your product.

2. You are constantly showing your URL for quick and easy reference to your site.

3. You are building a large, vibrant and successful opt-in mailing list.

4. You are securing a means for repeat customers.

5. You are drastically lowering your advertising budget.

By having pre-determined emails sent to the people who visit your site and sign up for your course, you are still advertising your product but it isn't costing you anything.

Send A Report

Another great tool is to give away an informative report on whatever your website's topic or industry is.

For example, my website is about advertising, so I would create a report that covers internet advertising.

It's very important to note that a report is not an ebook, or a course... it gives out information. You don't tell how to do something, rather you write about the specific topic and what's going on in the industry.

This is an important tool especially with business to business type products.

And Of Course An Ezine

Yes, there are already millions of them to choose from, but it's still the number one way to keep people informed about your products and your site.

The Common Denominator

The point is this.... capture an email address. These are all tools for you to use to do that. Whether you use one, or all three, your sales will dramatically increase while you are drastically reducing your overall advertising budget and saving you money.

Next issue we see how to put together a successful ad campaign and how all these tools work together to bring in profits and lower your budget.

About the Author
Tim Bossie is the owner of Northern Pine Marketing Services and specializes in writing original and creative solo ads in just 2 hours! Find out more about this incredible service by going to (
Plus, check out his brand new ebook, "How To Achieve High Profits With Solo Ads!" that details the 7 Important Building Bricks of a successful solo ad at (


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