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William Hung - A marketing lesson to be learnt?

By Alan Cheng
Posted Saturday, October 9, 2004

The success of William Hung should be studied because there are valuable lessons which we can learn and use for our businesses.

Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit, William Hung is a marketing phenomenon. I can guarantee no one could have predicted this daring guy would become such a hit worldwide. It's unbelievable. So how come?

Everyone knows that it was the video of William, that was placed on the internet, which started his path to fame. So many people emailed it to their friends that it became something viral.

The amount of hits the website had was amazing. It was so extraordinary that it was reported on TV and in newspapers.

People love things which they find interesting and entertaining. Boredom is a killer. Your sales letter or advertisement have to be fun and intriguing. Never bore your customers. Try and entertain and make them find it interesting to deal with you.

If a lot of people talk about your product, or it has media exposure, then you're sure to be a winner. Try and create a viral effect or give some reasons for people to talk about your business.

Next William went on to release an album. I’m confident in saying I can sing better than him and not many of my friends will disagree with that. But when you're well known and people talk about you, nothing can deter them from buying your products.

With your home business, always try and build up your brand name. When you release new products and introduce new ideas, people will flock to buy it because they heard of your name and trust you. Always try and be original and stand out in your market. It makes me so angry sometimes when I see adverts for products that are so boring, it puts me off buying them.

The American Idol has proven the point that marketing is as important as the product, if not more important. A product doesn't have to be perfect or outstanding. But if the marketing for it is done well, then people will still buy it. So imagine the amount of sales you will get if the product(s) you are selling with your business is good and useful. With the correct packaging, people will buy anything.

This is a valuable lesson. Many people think that if they improve on the product and build a website to sell it, the hard work’s over. How wrong that assumption is.

The effectiveness of marketing determines the success or failure of a business. Get a product first, but understand that the true battle is in the advertisement. Although having a bad product is not advisable as you’d expect your customers to be coming back for more. This William Hung example is to show you how effective marketing can be. I’m not telling you to promote something which you wouldn’t buy yourself.

One thing we should learn from William is to be bold enough to do what we want and not to worry about what others think. There are many times where people won’t start a business or won’t expand their business due to being afraid of what others think or afraid of failing. Would William achieve as much as he has now if he was shy and afraid of being a failure?

On a final note I can’t say it better than him "I’ve tried my best. I have no regrets". Can you say the same with your business?

About the Author
Alan Cheng, is the owner of ( the membership site dedicated to help the beginner start a profitable online business. It has all the tools and information you need to profit online with your own website. You can contact Alan at


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