You Can Be A WAHM
By Paula Wilson
Posted Thursday, September 9, 2004
If you are a Work at Home Mom WAHM you have made a very important decision to stay at home with your family. I applaud you for that decision, but I know it can be a financial and emotional sacrifice to stay at home. I have been staying at home with my child for almost a year now, and I have found several ways to improve my family's finances and help me feel that I am contributing to my family's budget.
A great way to make some extra money is to get involved in a legitimate home-based business.Some of these businesses do require an initial investment, but the potential income makes this small investment worth it. My favorite business opportunity right now is a legitimate
Christian home based business called Disciple's Cross. With Disciple's Cross, you make beautiful crosses and send these crosses back to the company. The company will pay you for the crosses it accepts. It has been a lot of fun to participate in this business opportunity and wonderful ministry.
Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money. Most affiliate programs are free to join and give you the opportunity to offer great deals such as free satellite and unlimited video game rentals. Once you join affiliate programs, you will need to create a webpage with your programs and participate in website promotion via search engine optimization and search engine submission.
Other ways to get your website noticed are to use article promotion and link exchanges. With link exchanges, you would ad text or graphic links of other related sites onto your site, and they would ad your site information onto their site. This will get your site noticed by more people and will improve your search engine ratings.
The key to being successful working at home is to have a positive outlook. Don't ever give up!
By Paula Wilson
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