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You Can Become A Successful Internet Entrepreneur!

By Michel Richer
Posted Monday, November 8, 2004

Everyday people ask me if they will make money with the internet. Of course i said. But it takes times and determination. You cannot expect to make a six figure income in just 30 days. But you can make a six figure income in 2 to 3 years working part time. Do you think your job at the factory gonna give you more for your money and time than this ?

It takes an average of one year to start seeing the result of your effort in the internet. Thats a pretty small price to pay for this huge market.It takes time to develop a business plan. It takes time to know wich products sells best and wich advertising give you the highest return on your investment (ROI).

It took me one month just to know how to use Google Adwords effectively. I had to take the time. But know it pays out a lot with a CTR and conversion rate of 70%. Anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If you’re not thinking long term, you’ve set yourself up for failure. REPEAT: If you’re not thinking long term, you’ve set yourself up for failure. I can’t emphasize this enough!!!!

But let’s look at some real examples and see if we can put some perspective on this. I’ll start with myself. My success as a home business entrepreneur is well known. Having earned over $8 million, I’m sure there are some who’d vote me in to the Home-Business Hall of Fame if there were such a thing. Yet what most of those same people don’t know is that I LOST money my first two years. I only broke even in my third year. And it was only when I got to my fourth year did I see my first profit. Was it worth it? Are you kidding?!! Today I live a dream life, work from my dream home, drive my dream car—I’m blessed beyond my wildest expectations.

In other words, even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs in the industry took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance. And the real wealth, the $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost THREE YEARS to achieve!

Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t think the ends justified the means? Do you think for an instant that the months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times at least? You don't even have to think about it, do you?

If I told you that after two to three years of following our system, you’d be making more in a month than you now make in a year, could you handle that? If you were sitting across from me right now, I could look you in the eye and tell you that this is a genuine and realistic goal. But when you say to me you want to quit your job in six or nine months and live off the income from your new business, I’ll tell you that probably is not reality.

Not what you wanted to hear, right? But is what I’m suggesting so tough to swallow? Of course not. Can you think of any other endeavor where you could invest just five to 10 hours a week for a couple years and at the end of that time have turned it into a $3,000 to $10,000 residual monthly income stream? Money that keeps coming in month after month, year after year. Money that keeps coming in whether you work 10 hours a day or two. A commission check waiting for you in your mailbox when you return from yet another vacation. Money that when you’ve left this planet continues to provide for your spouse, children, or grandchildren.

Sounds extremely nice, doesn’t it? But again, these are not things you’re going to see in your first year. It just ain’t gonna happen, folks! Some of you, the go-getters, you WILL see it happen in your second year. For most of you, however, you need to be thinking two to five years. And you know what? When you get there, I guarantee you, you’ll say it was nothing!

We reap what we sow, but the harvest is never in the same season as the planting! Today you are planting...and will be at least for the next several months. Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patient. Think long term. Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business and you cannot fail. Great success will be yours if you follow this simple formula.

P.S. You can build a successful online business with my affiliate program. Join for free at : (

Copyright © Michel Richer

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About the Author
Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of ( With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid reputation in the industry. He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the Internet. You can take a look at his website at: (


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