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Pop-Under Windows - The Latest Pop-Window Trend

By Shelley Lowery
Posted Thursday, September 30, 2004

Although there has been a great deal of controversy over the use of pop-up windows, the fact remains; pop-up windows are highly effective. The latest pop-window trend to hit the Internet is the pop-under window. Pop-under windows are less intrusive than the pop-up windows and are believed to be even more effective.

If you spend any time surfing the Internet, then you've probably encountered several examples of pop-under windows. A prime example is's pop-under ads for their wireless video cameras. X10's pop-under ads were popping up on prime media sites like MSN, the N.Y. Times and Alta Vista. Their main advertising objective was to increase their website traffic. And, they have done so with a high rate of success.

Unlike pop-up windows that load over your web page, pop-under windows quietly load under your web page. Your visitors probably won't even see the pop-under window until they're finished at your site and close the window.

The effectiveness of pop-under windows most likely stems from the timing. When your visitor first enters your site, their mind is on what lead them to your site to begin with. Pop-up windows will most likely cause a higher percentage of your visitors to instantly close your window before viewing its content. That's what makes pop-under windows more effective -- your visitor is through visiting your site and their mind is clearer. They will be much more likely to take the time to look at your offer when they don't have another objective on their mind.

Pop-windows provide Internet marketers with an effective alternative to the declining effectiveness of banner ads. However, studies have shown that most Internet users find these windows very intrusive. How can you effectively use these windows without losing your visitors? Below are a few guidelines to assist you.

1) Make sure that you don't use more than one pop-window per page. If you've ever visited a website that bombards you with pop-windows, then you know how irritating that is. Sometimes it seems like each window you close launches two new windows. This is a prime example of how NOT to use pop-windows. Nothing will cause your visitor to leave more quickly.

2) Try to use a script that utilizes cookies. This will enable you to decide how often your window should appear instead of it continually launching each time the page is entered.

3) Make sure you always provide your visitors with an easy way to close your window. Consider adding a button or link to the bottom of your window to enable your visitors to instantly close it when they're finished.

4) Make sure your window is large enough to view your information. If your window is too small and you have disabled the scrollbars, part of your message will not be visible to your visitors.

Here are a few tips to help you increase your offer's response rate:

* Use a powerful headline that demands attention
* Enlarge your headline's font size
* Include your offer's most important benefits within your headline
* Use incentives to increase your offer's response rate
* Keep your message short and to the point
* Ask your visitors to take action

If you would be interested in adding a pop-under window to your site, I highly recommend the "Pop-Window Generator" at This powerful online utility will enable you to fill out a simple form and instantly generate the pop-window code for your pages. This generator will enable you to select the type of pop-window, set the length of cookies, and completely customize the look and feel of your window. The only requirement to use this free utility is that you must be a subscriber of WillMaster Possibilities. This is a great publication and I highly recommend subscribing.


You can also find a pop-under JavaScript here:


If you're considering adding a pop-window to your site, please do so with caution. The last thing you want to do is drive your visitors away. If done correctly, pop-windows can be a very effective marketing tool.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery 2002

About the Author:
Shelley Lowery is the author of Web Design Mastery - Learn how to design a professional website in the easiest possible fashion -- with 100s of copy & paste codes. Subscribe to Etips, for a wealth of quality information to assist you in Web Design, Internet Marketing & Ecommerce. All new subscribers receive a free copy of the highly acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."


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