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Content, Writing and Copyright

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Need Ezine Content- Think Holidays
[Jan. 12, 2005] Need Ezine Content- Think Holidays By Jane Tabachnick
Re-evaluating The Purpose of An E-Zine
[Jan. 12, 2005] Re-evaluating The Purpose of An E-Zine By Dan Fry
What Aunt Marge Can Teach You About Ezines
[Jan. 12, 2005] What Aunt Marge Can Teach You About Ezines By Jessica Albon
10 Great Ezine Content Tips To Increase Your Sales And Readership
[Jan. 12, 2005] 10 Great Ezine Content Tips To Increase Your Sales And Readership By Ken Hill
Is there enough you in your newsletter?
[Jan. 12, 2005] Is there enough you in your newsletter? By Jessica Albon
This guy will actually PAY for your online business...
[Jan. 12, 2005] "Not Only Will I Show You How to Make Your Living Online, I'll Also *Pay* For the Products, Services, and Resources Needed to Do It...Guaranteed!" By Eyal Zilberstein
How To Write A Better Newsletter!
[Jan. 12, 2005] How To Write A Better Newsletter! By BB Lee
Five Secrets of Writing Great Sales Copy
[Jan. 12, 2005] Five Secrets of Writing Great Sales Copy By Vincent Czaplyski
Give Me $1 And I'll Have A Powerful Marketing Weapon
[Jan. 12, 2005] Give Me $1 And I'll Have A Powerful Marketing Weapon By Al Martinovic
A Copywriter Never Mumbles – and Other Principles of Effective Ad Copy
[Jan. 12, 2005] A Copywriter Never Mumbles – and Other Principles of Effective Ad Copy By Walter Burek
Three Big Ol' Tips for Better Sales Letters
[Jan. 12, 2005] Three Big Ol' Tips for Better Sales Letters By Matthew Cob
"How To Emotionally-Charge Your Sales Letters To Boost Sales"
[Jan. 12, 2005] "How To Emotionally-Charge Your Sales Letters To Boost Sales" By Mike Jezek
Copywriting Makeover: It’s Not About YOU, It’s About THEM
[Jan. 12, 2005] Which words make *your* customers buy? By Karon Thackston
"3 Quick Tips To Becoming An Instant Copywriting Genius"
[Jan. 12, 2005] "3 Quick Tips To Becoming An Instant Copywriting Genius" By Ewen Chia
10 Tips on How to write a sales letter.
[Jan. 11, 2005] 10 Tips on How to write a sales letter. By Julie Kerr
[Jan. 11, 2005] What is a "swipe" file? By David B. Silva
[Jan. 11, 2005] Few tips that will help you do a better job, and make a bigger name for yourself. By Patrick Quinn
[Jan. 11, 2005] Commercials that confuse, confound and sell nobody anything! By Patrick Quinn
They’’re Searching So Why Aren’’t They Buying?
[Jan. 11, 2005] They’’re Searching So Why Aren’’t They Buying? By Karon Thackston
Public Domain Copyrights Rule#1 Rule#2
[Jan. 11, 2005] Public Domain Copyrights Rule#1 Rule#2 By Hannah Pendergraph Of Edwards Marketing
How to Harness the Real Power of the P.S.
[Jan. 11, 2005] How to Harness the Real Power of the P.S.? By Vincent Czaplyski
An SEO Copywriting Makeover – Turning “Not” Into “Hot” Part 2 of 2
[Jan. 11, 2005] An SEO Copywriting Makeover – Turning “Not” Into “Hot” Part 2 of 2 By Karon Thackston
An SEO Copywriting Makeover – Turning “Not” Into “Hot” Part 1 of 2
[Jan. 11, 2005] An SEO Copywriting Makeover – Turning “Not” Into “Hot” Part 1 of 2 By Karon Thackston
Case In Point: What You Need To Know About Link Popularity
[Jan. 11, 2005] Case In Point: What You Need To Know About Link Popularity By Karon Thackston
Data Delivers Credibility
[Jan. 11, 2005] Data Delivers Credibility By Robert F. Abbott
How to Improve Your Writing Without Writing a Word
[Jan. 11, 2005] 18 digital tools you can use to research, brainstorm, organize, compose, communicate and bring out the better writer in you. By Walter Burek
Getting Looked Over, Without Getting Overlooked:
[Jan. 11, 2005] *6 Steps for Writing for Scanners and Skimmers* By Matthew Cobb
"The Importance Of Sales Copy"
[Jan. 11, 2005] "The Importance Of Sales Copy" By Randall Helling
“Out of Focus” Ads Can Cost You Customers
[Jan. 11, 2005] “Out of Focus” Ads Can Cost You Customers By Karon Thackston
Make Your Website Sell
[Jan. 11, 2005] Make Your Website Sell By Chris Mole
A Magic Number for Writing Sales Letters.
[Jan. 11, 2005] Start with is The Rule of 7! By Matthew Cobb
Long Sales Letters vs. Short Sales Letters
[Jan. 11, 2005] Long Sales Letters vs. Short Sales Letters By Matthew Cobb
Nip and Tuck – Three Quick Tricks for Writing SEO Copy
[Jan. 11, 2005] Have you ever been to one of those sites that has obviously been written to get high search engine rankings? By Karon Thackston
The "Not-So-Secret" Formula For Good Sales Letters.
[Jan. 11, 2005] Do you know the formula for writing a good sales letter? By Ronald Dunn
The Damaging Admission--a Persuasive Technique
[Jan. 11, 2005] The Damaging Admission--a Persuasive Technique By Matthew Cobb
Do You "Do" Voices?
[Jan. 11, 2005] How do you go about getting quotes? By Jessica Albon
Creative Success
[Jan. 11, 2005] Few tips on finding an original idea! By JC Anderl
Tell Visitors Why
[Jan. 11, 2005] Tell people why they should buy from you, you will dramatically increase sales. By Akinori Furukoshi
How to Write to Mars and Venus!
[Jan. 11, 2005] Don't forget whom you're writing to! A Mars or a Venus? By Jaruda Boonsuwan
How to Write a Business Memo
[Jan. 11, 2005] How to write a business memo? By Linda Elizabeth Alexander
Pumping Up The Emotional Side Of Gizmos, Widgets And Powdered Eggs.
[Jan. 11, 2005] Pumping Up The Emotional Side Of Gizmos, Widgets And Powdered Eggs. By Walter Burek
3 Strange And Twisted Copywriting Tactics!
[Jan. 11, 2005] 3 Strange And Twisted Copywriting Tactics! By Larry Dotson
5 Specific Questions Your Sales Letter Must Answer to Achieve The Best Results
[Jan. 11, 2005] 5 Specific Questions Your Sales Letter Must Answer to Achieve The Best Results By Joanne L. Mason
Killer Sales Copy Formula
[Jan. 11, 2005] A good formula that should be kept in mind when writing sales copy be it for your website, an email to potential customers or prospects, placing an ad etc. By Al Martinovic
The World's Most Powerful Marketing Tool
[Jan. 11, 2005] What marketing skill would you need "to sell sand in the desert?" By David Geer
The Free-Reprint Articles Powerhouse and Copyright Law
[Jan. 11, 2005] The Free-Reprint Articles Powerhouse and Copyright Law By Bill Platt
5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website’s Success
[Jan. 11, 2005] Five good reasons why your site headlines deserve greater emphasis and attention. By Robert Boduch
Swipe Your Way To Success (Legally!)
[Jan. 11, 2005] What is it? The infamous 'swipe file.' Have you started yours? By Paula Morrow
Having Difficulty Writing A Compelling Offer? Click On A TV Infomercial!
[Jan. 11, 2005] How to write a compelling offer ? By Paula Morrow
Don't Write Like You Think...Write Like You Talk
[Jan. 11, 2005] Don't Write Like You Think...Write Like You Talk By Paula Morrow
How To Make Your Sales Letters Bullet Proof
[Jan. 11, 2005] How to make your sales letters bullet proof? By Mike Jezek
5 Overlooked, Yet Deadly Reasons WhyYour $ales Letter May Be Getting Poor Results
[Jan. 11, 2005] Is your sales letter afflicted with any of the following? By Mike Jezek
The Top 7 Rules of Power Copywriting!
[Jan. 11, 2005] The Top 7 Rules of Power Copywriting! By Wild Bill Montgomery
The $12,500 Copywriting Formula
[Jan. 11, 2005] Would you like to have the formula he gets paid $12,500 to put into use for Fortune 500 Companies? By Sopan Greene
Writing A Successful Ebook
[Jan. 9, 2005] How to write a successful ebook? By Shelley Lowery
Protecting and Registering Your Ebook
[Jan. 9, 2005] How to protect and register your ebook? By Shelley Lowery
How To Write An Ebook, One Article At A Time
[Jan. 9, 2005] How to write an ebook, one article at a time? By John Colanzi
If You Respect Them, They Will Buy--Closing the Sale
[Jan. 9, 2005] If You Respect Them, They Will Buy--Closing the Sale By Jian Wang
What is Advertising - and What Does it Mean on the Internet?
[Jan. 9, 2005] What is Advertising - and What Does it Mean on the Internet? By Bret RIdgway
32 Point Copywriting Checklist to Bulletproof Your Copy
[Jan. 9, 2005] 32 Point Copywriting Checklist to Bulletproof Your Copy By Kris Mills
Six Essential Elements of Successful Sales Letters
[Jan. 8, 2005] Six Essential Elements of Successful Sales Letters By Joanne L. Mason
7 Emotional Appeals You Can Use To Super Charge Your Headlines
[Jan. 8, 2005] 7 Emotional Appeals You Can Use To Super Charge Your Headlines By Joanne L. Mason
Sure-Fire Copywriting Tips
[Jan. 7, 2005] Sure-Fire Copywriting Tips By Angela Wu
How To Write Killer Sales Letters
[Jan. 7, 2005] How to write killer sales letters? By John Colanzi
Copywriting for the Non-English-Speaking Audience
[Jan. 7, 2005] Copywriting for the Non-English-Speaking Audience By Amrit Hallan
Copywriting that Sells
[Jan. 7, 2005] Copywriting that Sells By Amrit Hallan
Why Good Copywriting Matters
[Jan. 7, 2005] Are there hard and fast rules for professional copywriting? By Amrit Hallan
[Jan. 7, 2005] What is copyright? By Craig Lock
Back to the copywriting basics
[Jan. 7, 2005] Back to the copywriting basics By Mark Laing

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