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Top Ten Tests to Maintain your Web Site - Part 2

By Judy Cullins
Posted Saturday, September 25, 2004

Once your Web site is up, you must maintain it. Maintenance means changes, and each time you make a change, you may make a mistake. If your visitors get a link that doesn't work or has incomplete instructions, or if your copy is lackluster instead of passionate, they will leave your site and not bookmark it.

Before you invite Web potential clients and customers to see your masterpiece you need to check and correct all parts of your site, especially the home page.

Use these 10 tests to maintain your Web site.

6. Test your Web pages to make them easier to read by using bullets.

Remember, your visitor appreciates a lot of white space. That means give them valuable information and benefits in the easiest form you can. Make it easy to read and they will more likely "buy."

After a headline "The coach will answer these questions and show you exactly what it takes and how to do it for your writing project.”

-How can I get clarity on my message and its value to readers?
-How can I shorten my learning curve and finish this project?
-How can I write Web copy that sells but doesn't offend?
-What are the first steps to...project?
-What is the best way for me to accomplish this project?
-Can I write an eBook and print book at the same time?
-What is the best format for this project?

7. Test your Web site paragraph length.

In general, keep your paragraphs below each headline short, around 1-4 sentences. Imagine looking at a long line of print before getting to the meat? Discouraged, you would probably leave the page, and possibly the site!

8. Test the flow and grammar of your Web copy.

Check for passive sentence construction, such as "there is" or "there are" and other forms of "is" and "was." Locate your grammar checker and aim for 3-4% passives. Web visitors want short, clear copy they can skim. Remember, they will only stay interested for 10 or so seconds, so make it easy for them to read.

9. Test your Web site layout.

Know where visitors are entering your site and exiting. Many companies out there can give you this counting service. If potential buyers keep leaving at a particular page before they go to products and ordering page, your words and style don't work-and some changes are in order.

Double-check all of your links every few weeks to make sure they are doing what you want them to do. We all make mistakes, and I know, because I'm still a non-techie. After three years Online, I now make fewer Web mistakes and increased client numbers from 7-17 in the last six months prove it.

10. Test your order process.

Create a mini-survey and ask friends and associates to check different parts of your Web site. Show your appreciation by paying them for it with a fre.e product or service. Tell them you have a thick skin, and appreciate their honesty.

One would-be customer couldn't finish the order for one of my teleclasses. It took a lot of effort to get that mistake rectified with some free product. Like me, perhaps you tried to buy a book online from one famous author. Even after emails to him, he said he didn't take email orders and sent me back to where the problem was. With that attitude, I guess he doesn't need more sales.

Go through the order process for your service or product and see if it makes sense, gives explicit directions to non-techies, and takes only a little time. Web visitors want it all fast. That's why you don't want to put large graphics that take over 10 seconds to load. Make sure all your links work, so your customers will have an easy ordering experience. Then they will return to your Web site over and over again.

Know that your job of testing never ends. It's what we call maintenance. Eighty percent of life is maintenance! Just experimenting with these tests will bring more sales. Keep testing to know what your potential buyers really want. Results as increased clients or product sales are always the best way to test your Web site’s success.

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