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By Amrit Hallan
Posted Tuesday, July 20, 2004

In the preceding section, we had left the discussion at the tag, so let us continue from here.

For showing simple text, we use the tag in such a manner:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML. The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

You can consider

to be a paragraph.

OK, now the page should look like:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML. The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

Refresh the page. See something?

If you want to highlight a section, for instance, "Marvelous!", you can do it like this:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML. The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

Refresh the page. See something?

The use of some of the tags have been discontinued by some of the newer browsers, but we'll handle those complexities when we cover style sheets. At the moment, these should work.

The browser will show the text in the default font. If you want to use your own font, size and color, you'll have to use the font size for a particular portion of the text like this:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML.
The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

If you find it confusing, just type it as it is, save the file, and refresh the page in the browser, and you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

Notice the opening and closing tags everywhere? SIZE, FACE and COLOR are the main basic attributes of the tag.

== Step 6: ==

Let us now create a hyperlink and get over with the current article. A hyper link is the fancy text over which when you hover your cursor, the cursor metamorphoses into a pointing finger, indicating that you are going to be taken to some other web-destination upon clicking the left mouse button. A graphic can act as a hyper-link too, but we'll come to that later.

Suppose you want to add the following lines to the page:

For more cool content, go to

So that the page looks like now:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML.
The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

For more cool content, go to

Save and refresh the page. also acts as a line break, so the next text appears like a new paragraph.

You want the message in such a way, that when someone clicks on, the person is taken to ( To accomplish this, you'll have to re-write the second paragraph like this:

For more cool content, go to .

exactly like this. Don't worry if the lines appear broken, you should write the entire thing in one line, as it is.

The latest page now is:

Ah! This is for the first time I'm writing my own HTML.
The world is so different out here. Marvelous!

For more cool content, go to .

Save it, and refresh it. should appear as a hyperlink.

Don't get distraught by the drab look. If you follow all the articles, you'll be able to make the coolest pages possible in HTML/JavaScripts

So this is your first, basic page. Using the given tags, you can keep adding further content according to how creative you feel.

About the Author
Amrit Hallan is a freelance web designer. For all web site development and web promotion needs, you can get in touch with him at ( For more such articles, visit ( and ( You can subscribe to his newsletter [BYTESWORTH REACHOUT] on Web Designing Tips & Tricks by sending a blank email at


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