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10 Tips to Creating a Powerful Platform.

By Annie Jennings
Posted Thursday, September 2, 2004

What is a Platform?

Platform is everything that you bring to the table. A Platform, of course, is similar to branding but it is a step beyond. A Platform is being developed and accomplished in many areas. It is similar to the spokes in a wheel, each one is separate yet each one is important to the whole. The more powerful the spokes, the more powerful the wheel.

So if we think of a Platform as the entire wheel, we have many spokes in the wheel that make a platform possible.

A Platform to me is what makes the difference between getting the six-figure advance, or getting the *account* or *closing the deal*.

How will a Platform help us?

A Platform is a *convincer*. It removes the doubt in anyone's mind that you are the best choice for whatever it is - the speaking event, the keynote address, the consulting gig, the book deal. It's about creating certainty that you are indeed the best possible choice - supported by evidence and this evidence is what we call your Platform that is, the spokes in your wheel.

- A Platform allows you to stand above the rest-to be seen above the crowd. It allows you to rise to the top.

- A Platform creates enhanced interest in you are and who your business is and what you do as a whole.

- A Platform makes you THE CHOICE. Not only *one* of the choices-but THE CHOICE.

- A Platform is also a reward for years of hard work and dedication. Is it not easy to build an ezine list of 10,000+ subscribers- it takes time and hard work to do this. Was bringing your website to the level of receiving 25,000 hits per month easy? No-- it took lots of development, dedication, and of course, investment dollars. A Platform is the reward for getting up early and working on articles or your website. A Platform is the reward for going the extra mile each and every day.

- A Platform is your business accomplishments on paper. If I did not call this a Platform, I would call it *Welcome To My World*.

I think many people have certain basic elements of the platform already and will need to build up in the other *spokes* or areas of a Platform.

Do you need a team of professionals to build your Platform?

Of course! Always surround yourself with brilliance. Plus, learn all you can about your website, copyrighting, ezines etc. so you know how to do these things yourself. And when choosing an expert to help you always apply good judgment and be sure you understand the agreement in advance, go over the fees involved, be sure the expert understands your objectives and you understand what the expert can deliver.

How long does it take to build a Platform?

Since a Platform is your accomplishments, it takes time to create a powerful Platform. However, NOW is an excellent time to examine your Platform and learn, start and/or continue building your Platform over time.

Platform Check List:

1. Are you the author or co-author of books and articles? The more books and the more articles the better. E-books
count also and are relatively easy to create.

2. Have you developed any products such as audiocassette or CD series, video series, internet courses, any innovative products that you have developed to help your industry?

3. Are your books and articles appearing in other countries, translated to different languages?

4. Do you have speaking engagements? Did you address large audience or companies with names people would recognize? Have you done an impressive number of speaking engagements? Have you spoken outside of the country? Were you a keynote presenter?

5. Did you contribute your industry or achieve or breakthroughs? Have you received awards or recognition. Did you develop new business processes that enhanced your industry?

6. Have you achieved Expert Status in the media, including TV, radio and print? Have you appeared on national TV, had article written about you. Have you received media coverage in any other country? A few major media placements builds up your BIO fast!

7. Have you toured the country promoting your book? How many cities did you go through, how many interviews did you do, where did you speak, where did you hold book signings, did you sell an impressive amount of books?

8. Have you hosted or co-hosted a radio show, or have been a regular guest? Do you have your own show, internet shows are easy ways to get started!

9. Do you have endorsements or testimonials from industry leaders?

10. Did your book make it to any best sellers lists? Did it receive any awards?

Read the full article and more at: ( .

About the Author
Annie Jennings PR is a nationally acclaimed publicity firm that specializes in radio, TV, print and online PR. Annie is famous for her HOT Top 25! and HOT Top 50! radio campaigns that are the most powerful campaigns in the industry. Perfect for your book launch or sharing your message with millions. Sign up for more radio campaign information at ( .


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