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Hosting Options for an Ecommerce Web Site
[Nov. 8, 2004] How to host an ecommerce web site? By Bobette Kyle
Ecommerce that Makes Sense
[Oct. 30, 2004] The merits of ready-made and custom solutions to set up ecommerce on your site. By Barry Harrison
Cheap Web Hosting is No Bargain!
[Oct. 1, 2004] Ever heard the saying "Penny-wise and Dollar-foolish"? By Jim Edwards
6 Steps To Create An E-Commerce Website
[Oct. 1, 2004] 6 Steps To Create An E-Commerce Website. By Alessandro DeBarros
Grow your business using B2B emarketplace - Selecting the right emarketplace
[Sep. 15, 2004] What should be your first step in starting e-business through emarketplaces? By Nowshade Kabir
The 6 Basic Rules of E-Commerce
[Sep. 15, 2004] The 6 basic rules of E-Commerce . By Martin Cargill
E-marketplace – Facts and Fictions
[Sep. 15, 2004] Know the Facts and Fictions of E-marketplace ! By Nowshade Kabir
Finding The Right Ecommerce Providers
[Sep. 14, 2004] 5 Important Tips for choosing the right ecommerce provider. By WebSiteHostDirectory.Com
The Five Most Commonly Encountered, Off-putting E-commerce Errors
[Sep. 13, 2004] The Five Most Commonly Encountered, Off-putting E-commerce Errors . By Marcia Yudkin
Jump into E-commerce action with affiliate programs:
[Aug. 9, 2004] What is the best affiliate program for my site? By Riyaj Shaik of
New Pay-Pal Checkout Process
[Aug. 6, 2004] Ecommerce - NEW PayPal Checkout Process makes Online Shopping easier By Web SiteHost Directory.Com
Accept Credit Cards Online without a Merchant Account
[Jul. 31, 2004] Should I have a Merchant Account or Third Party Processor? By John Lynch
Choosing a Web Host Based On Price? Don't!
[Jul. 27, 2004] 3 reasons to look beyond price when choosing your web host. By David Leonhardt
Shopping for a Shopping Cart? Make Sure you Weigh your Options
[Jul. 16, 2004] Shopping for a Shopping Cart? Make Sure you Weigh your Options By Merle
Who Needs Cash When There's Electronic Money!
[Jul. 16, 2004] How to accept electronic payments online? By Merle
Credit Card Solutions for Fledgling Businesses
[Jul. 11, 2004] A few things to consider when searching for the right third-party credit card processor. By Angela Wu
A Quick Guide to Third-Party Credit Card Processors
[Jul. 11, 2004] A Quick Guide to Third-Party Credit Card Processors By Angela Wu
How e-Commerce Works
[Jul. 10, 2004] How e-Commerce Works By Aaron Turpen
Preventing Fraud On Your Website
[Jul. 10, 2004] Preventing Fraud On Your Website By Aaron Turpen
Simple Steps For Fraud Prevention and Gaining User Trust
[Jul. 9, 2004] Simple Steps For Fraud Prevention and Gaining User Trust By Aaron Turpen
Why People Fail To Make Money Online
[Jul. 6, 2004] Why People Fail To Make Money Online By Dave Brown
Creating Your First Business Website
[Jun. 25, 2004] What are the primary goals of everyone venturing into e-commerce? By Shannan Hearne-Fortner
Small Business Q & A: If You Build It, They Will Come? That Totally Depends On You
[Jun. 22, 2004] Attracting customers to your website is easy, but the truth is, it's anything but. It takes hard work, creativity and above all, perseverance. By Tim Knox
3 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Web Host
[Jun. 18, 2004] 3 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Web Host By Candice Pardue
Finding that Host that Offers the Most
[Jun. 18, 2004] choosing a good host is essential to the success and
reliability of your online business By Merle
Hosting-The Silent Partner for Your E-Business
[Jun. 18, 2004] choose the "silent partner," who will deliver steady uptime,
sophisticated time-saving tools, and supreme customer
support By Lisa Schmeckpeper
[Jun. 18, 2004] HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT WEBHOST By Michael Bray
Is Your Web Host A Paddle Boat Or A Cruise Ship?
[Jun. 18, 2004] Choosing a web host or changing a web host is one of those
decisions which will have a massive impact on your business. By Mike Jones
Keep your web host from costing you money
[Jun. 18, 2004] Keep your web host from costing you money By Michael Lynn
Choosing A Domain Host
[Jun. 18, 2004] choosing the right web hosting company can sometimes be a
daunting task. By Rosanne Dobbins
How to Choose a Web Hosting Service!
[Jun. 17, 2004] How to Choose a Web Hosting Service! By Tracy Perrin
Cheap Web Hosting
[Jun. 17, 2004] Is Cheap Web Hosting the way to go? By Jim Edwards
How To Choose Your Web Host
[Jun. 17, 2004] How To Choose Your Web Host By Said Rouhani
The benefits of having a web site
[Jun. 17, 2004] Don’t waste time wondering what the Internet can do to benefit your business By Candice Humbley
Choosing The Wrong Server Will Literally Make Or Break You
[Jun. 15, 2004] Choosing The Wrong Server Will Literally Make Or Break You By Rich Hamilton
The Host With the Most?
[Jun. 15, 2004] The Host With the Most? By Jason Shpik
Find the Host With the Most
[Jun. 15, 2004] You Need a Host to Succeed in Today's eCommerce World By Jason Shpik
Free Competition Analysis for E-Commerce Startup
[Jun. 1, 2004] A free competition analysis for E-Commerce startup. By Lawrence Roth
Changing Web Hosts? Step-By-Step Guide
[Feb. 6, 2004] An easy to follow step by step guide to make moving hosts less painful. By
Give Away Gross For Increased Profits
[Oct. 18, 2003] Savvy business people fully understand the benefits of paying others generously for selling their products. New and/or small businesses may not have considered increasing profits in the manner suggested here. By Bob McElwain
Expand Your Business To The Web?
[Oct. 17, 2003] Makes a strong pitch that the only valid reason for creating a web site to support your business is to increase profits. To do so for any other reason can lead to disaster. By Bob McElwain
It Takes A Lot Of Hits!
[Oct. 16, 2003] While two sales on a hundred hits means a 2% conversion ratio, considered good by many, it may not mean much to you. Unless you are generating lots of hits, you may be forced to rely upon your judgement, rather than numbers. By Bob McElwain
Are Mini-Sites The Answer?
[Oct. 15, 2003] Maybe. Some are having great success with them. But many are not. They come in different flavors, so there is choice. After exploring these differences, you may find one that will work well for you. The key is in getting a fix on an appropriate product, then marketing the site without breaking your piggy bank. By Bob McElwain
The Playing Field Is Tilting
[Oct. 13, 2003] The playing field which is the Web was never really level. But now the tilt is more pronounced, and likely to increase. We can still win, but we must position ourselves properly to do so. By Bob McElwain
So You've Got A New Product
[Oct. 1, 2003] Many turn to the Web in hopes of successfully marketing a new product. While there are many millions of potential buyers, this approach is almost certain to fail. But here's a way that may work for you. Think in terms of distribution rather than sales. By Bob McElwain
The Learning Game And How To Win It
[Jul. 18, 2003] At the mere mention of learning much of anything, many flee quickly. This need not happen. There are simple ways of learning that you may even come to enjoy. Certainly you can make it easier to learn what is needed to grow a successful business. By Bob McElwain
10 reasons why you'll try online banking
[Jul. 18, 2003] Ten years ago, online banking was causing paranoia in the banking industry. Brick-and-mortar bank branches were doomed; so many people banking online would make them obsolete, many thought.
Building Consumer Confidence
[Jul. 5, 2003] An online business is at a great disadvantage compared to one offline. It lacks a visible physical structure and there is no way to examine the inventory with ones fingertips. Can this be overcome? By Bob McElwain
Does Your Site Tell The Truth?
[Jun. 27, 2003] Good advertising copy sells. But it must be good. If yours is not, consider an alternative: Tell the truth. By Bob McElwain
Most Online Businesses Do Not Offer What Consumers Demand
[Jun. 20, 2003] Sure, there's lots of stuff for sale on the Web. And a consumer who knows exactly what they need and where to find it, may find buying on the Web convenient. But for the vast majority of consumers, the Web is too difficult to use. For one thing, required information is not available. By Bob McElwain
The difference between success and failure
[Jun. 16, 2003] E commerce can save time and money in many ways. Records can be managed more easily using appropriate computer programs; the need for paper can be reduced, and the amount of physical storage space can be minimized.
Ecommerce: Your Opportunities Are Unlimited
[Jun. 3, 2003] While the Web is already an astonishing happening, you haven't seen anything yet. The real revolution, and opportunities, remain beyond the horizon.
Have You Got A Plan?
[May 29, 2003] Success seldom drops in announced. And while good luck and hard work can help, you'll get further faster with a bit of planning. What's more, it will keep you on track when things go awry. By Bob McElwain
Should I sell a product or service online?
[May 21, 2003] One of the first things you will have to decide when setting up an Internet business is whether you want to sell a product or a service, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages.
8 ways to close online sales
[May 12, 2003] Your online store is up and running, and sales are starting to roll in. Now is the time to step back and make sure you avoid a common pitfall for online merchants — abandoned shopping carts.
Is your business right for e-commerce?
[May 5, 2003] Selling products and services online sometimes is as simple as using common sense. Click through some of the most popular Web sites and you'll quickly discern that books and music must be conducive to an online business.
Productivity And Your Business
[May 3, 2003] Productivity means different things to different people. When big business uses the term, it often means laying people off and cutting down on their offerings. The customers they lose in the process can be the basis for your successful business. Particularly if you define productivity as a small business should. By Bob McElwain
Answer Up Right Now!
[Apr. 30, 2003] For several years it has been clear that customer support is a fundamental factor in producing financial success. Why then do so many go to extreme lengths to avoid providing it? Particularly when it is a strategy that leads only to failure? By Bob McElwain
How Well Do You Know Your Perfect Customer?
[Apr. 27, 2003] If you're just getting started, you won't get far without knowing precisely who your Perfect Customer is. If you have been selling for a while, now may be a great time to refresh your definition. Here are some suggestions. "I Don't Wanna" - We all face chores we choose to avoid. Ignoring fallen leaves in the garden is one thing. Ignoring reasons for inadequate sales on a website is quite another. By Bob McElwain
Customer Personality Types: Does It Matter?
[Apr. 7, 2003] Marketers are fond of defining prospects as to personality types. And many such definitions are available. You may find one that suits your needs. However, the better plan may be to ignore such definitions, and provide all that anybody might need to make the buy decision. By Bob McElwain
Does Anybody Want What Your Selling?
[Mar. 22, 2003] Many new to the Web and/or to marketing make a fundamental mistake in mixing "needs" and "wants." The easiest product to sell is one people want. Selling what is needed requires one to first convince people they want what is offered. This is a task best left to experts. By Bob McElwain
Are You In The Junk Business?
[Mar. 22, 2003] Your web-based business is not much different from offline mail order businesses. And the conviction of many is that mail order products are junk. Your visitors tend to think your web-based business is also a rip. How do you beat this? By Bob McElwain
5 steps to taking credit cards online
[Mar. 15, 2003] Accepting credit cards online is imperative for successful e-commerce. It makes it easy for customers to purchase from you, encourages impulse buying, reinforces your company's professionalism and increases your chance of closing a sale.
Can A Single Product Site Make It?
[Feb. 23, 2003] While there are exceptions, a site which sells only one product is unlikely to produce a livable income. Why? Because it costs a good deal to generate a sale, and all such costs must be deducted from the net. The better plan is to distribute this cost over many sales of related products. By Bob McElwain
10 ideas for starting home-based business
[Feb. 15, 2003] Ready to join the pajama set — that is, the millions of people who run businesses out of their homes and can work in their pajamas until noon or later if they feel like it?
Is your service business e-commerce friendly?
[Jan. 25, 2003] No doubt about it. The Web is a perfect tool for some service businesses to sell all or part of their offerings. For others, because of what they sell, it doesn't work at all.
Fear Can Destroy Your Business
[Jan. 22, 2003] To the living things about you, growth is essential to survival. When growth ceases, decline begins. Your business faces this same reality. It must either continue to grow, else begin to wither and ultimately die. By Bob McElwain


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