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Are YOU Addicted to Email?

By Kurt Geer
Posted Wednesday, November 24, 2004

When you walk into the office or house, do you hurry past the secretary or wife and go straight to the computer to check your email for any sales?

Is your better half clueless about what you are doing on the computer and calling it Roxanne or Richard?

Do you shake the kids off your leg and step on the dog to get to the computer?

Can't get any work done without checking your mail every 15 minutes?

Are you disappointed when your in box is empty?

"I'll be off in a few minutes" you say and an hour later you are still on.

If you are guilty of any of the above repeat after me:


Say it out loud this time!


You have just taken the first step on your way to recovery with Email Anonymous (EA :)

Unless you are making $150 to $300 a day you are addicted to email, and if you are you still need to do something about it. There really is no reason to be checking for a sale every 15 minutes or so. You don't need to jeopardize your relationships constantly being on the BEAST!

Here are some tips and pointers to try to ease the pain of being an email junkie.

* Take a break for a day. A whole day without the computer. If you need to plan it and then DO IT. Your business will survive and you will come back to the computer with a fresh mind.

* Set certain times of the day to check your email - 3 times max morning, noon and night.( If you are checking every 5 minutes delay it and try to make it 10 and then 15. If you get over the first urge you can make it.)

* If you feel the urge to check your email, get up and take a break from your PC station, exercise and walk around.

* Set up your email program's filters to put your email in certain folders and systematically go through your folders 1 at a time starting with the important ones first.

* Set up your email program with your sig files, ads and other templates you use to make it easier and faster with the time you spend on reading and writing email. Make you emails short and to the point. If you do most of your marketing by email set up blocks of time to get it done.

* If you need to, completely shut off your email program when you are working on important projects. Cold Turkey is sometimes the best and quickest way to break habits. And remember, when habits hurt YOU change them.

About the Author
Kurt Geer
If you've been surfing 7 days, 7 months or 7 years (70 years? Your name must be Al Gore) You'll find something of value at (


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