Little Known Secrets Of The Internet Elite
By Dennis Wagoner
Posted Saturday, September 4, 2004
Be amazed as they perform seemingly super human feats of marketing extrodanaire! It's amazing! It's collosal! Most everything you will see has never been done before! And you can see it for only $49.95!
Yeah... right.....
See, even I can hype. Have you ever wondered exactly how many "incredible secrets" there could possibly be on one topic?
Well, if you believe the hype, there's a new one born every second. An "infant secret" that is soon nutured into a full blown ebook, available for instant download.
Now, I for one, love ebooks. I will download almost every free ebook I see related to internet marketing. I also will read or at least skim through each one, to be sure it's something I'll either glean something from or use a freebie.
If I don't like it, I send it to the recycle bin.
As I stated earlier, it seems that someone discovers the "magic secret" to end all secrets every second. Now let me make one thing perfectly clear, I'm not saying everything that's put out is bogus or simple rehash.
There's plenty of good info out there. I should know, 'cause I spend a chunk of my time downloading it. But you know the one thing I haven't downloaded?
It's the grandest "secret" you'll never see published in a special report or ebook. It's "the big one" that everyone is looking for, but most simply can't find.
I can already here you saying, "What the heck are you talking about?"
It's the "Success Mindset".
That's right. You see, before anything starts to really pay off for anyone on the internet, there are a few things that have to come first.
These things have nothing to do with products, web sites or hit counters. These things don't take place in cyber space, they most certainly don't.
They must take place in You.
Interested in hearing more? Then you'll not want to miss part two of this article in next week's issue.
About the Author
Dennis Wagoner