Why are people leaving?
By Charlie Page
Posted Sunday, September 5, 2004
While the number of people who sign on to the Net for the first time still increases every day, people are *leaving* their Internet businesses in record numbers.
Some have even made a career out of leaving the Internet. ;)
People are leaving the Net because they are fed up ... frustrated ... disappointed.
You may have felt the frustration too. So much hype, so few real answers. So many promises, so little reality.
One of the things I like about my autoresponder service is that people can leave comments behind when they leave our little DOE Insider family.
Mostly, people tell us what's on their minds. If I can help, I write them back even though they left the list.
We had 10 people leave the list last week (we're blessed with a low unsubscribe rate) and the comments they left behind point up an interesting trend.
Comments: I just do not have time to deal with it, but i think you are doing a good job for the people that do :)
Comments: I am withdrawing from Internet Marketing so I no longer require this service. Thank you.
Comments: I do not need the information anymore. I have quit my business. Thank you!
Comments: Changing direction from mlm to investing.
Comments: Fed up with the whole internet thing. Nothing to do with you
That last person summed up something one hears much more often lately. People are fed up, disappointed, frustrated.
Frustration is an interesting emotion. Many years ago, a very wise man said that frustration ultimately stems from unrealistic expectations.
Does that describe the Internet or what!?!
So, WHY do people become frustrated and what can you do to AVOID the frustration? Below are several ideas to help.
===== The Problem
First, the causes of frustration.
There seem to be three main causes of frustration on the Net today.
1. Too much hype.
2. Lack of real support.
3. Rampant false expectations.
People are frustrated with the hype out there. The problem here is self-evident. I heard a guy say the other day that if he could bag up all the manure (not the word he used) he has seen online, he could fertilize the entire state of Texas. Great line.
People are also fed up with being sent to a Frequently Asked Questions page when what they need is to speak with a real person. People need, and want, personal support.
Third, and to be truthful, people come online with their expectations set *way* too high. The Internet is NOT the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Never has been, never will be. No one makes their fortune in 30 days, or 35 days, or 45 days. They just show you a glimpse of their bank account that makes it look that way.
Here's the frustrating part of this for me. I KNOW that almost anyone can succeed online.
But if you let the frustration win, if you let it get you down and quit, you have ZERO chances of succeeding online!
===== Now ... A Solution
You can beat this frustration! DON'T give in to disappointment. Stay the course and you WILL win!
Here are xxkjj ways to beat back the frustration, keep your chin up, and put yourself in a position to profit online.
1. Become Hype-Proof
Learn to see the information you receive in a larger context. All good marketers know how to make their product sound appealing, and know how to create a sense of urgency.
Only YOU know if you really NEED another autoresponder, or another eBook on how to write an eBook, or ... you get the
See number five for a quick way to become hype-proof.
2. Understand That Off-Line Business Rules Still Apply
We must understand that it still takes money to make money We still must advertise to sell goods and services. The Net makes this wonderfuly easy and effective, but we still must take the steps.
3. Separate Yourself From The Net - Don't Be Online Too Long
Many online entrepreneurs work late into the night. About the worst possible time to make a purchasing decision is after a long session of being online. It's often wise to wait until the next morning, or next evening, to make a decision.
4. Don't Fall Prey To Information Overload
In this is the number one problem I see with people who have gone online within the last three to six months. Everyone gives away so many e-books and the courses. How can a person be expected to read everything, much less not drown in the information.
One solution to information overload is to make a list of things that you really need in your business, then research them one at a time.
For example, you're going to need an autoresponder, you're going to need to do advertising, you will need a web hosting company, you're going to need to create a web site, and you will need for five other things before you can successfully do business online.
Now take one thing at a time, and learn what you need to know about that one thing. Then, move on to the next.
5. Wait 24 Hours Before Buying Anything
When I wrote this line my bank account hollered Amen! If only I practiced get faithfully. I have never waited 24 hours to buy something and regretted it.
Please don't fall for the JavaScript trick where web sites tell you that you must order within the next three days, three minutes, or three seconds to get that "once a lifetime" price.
I can guarantee that 99% of the time, this is a trick. To prove it for yourself, bookmark the next site you visit that offers a limited time guarantee. Then visit the site the day after the guarantee was supposed to expire. Or, if you know how, view the source code and see the JavaScript for yourself.
6. Take Something Of Value And Stick With It
Recent studies show the common pattern of behavior on the Internet is to join a program, promoted a little, and then leave it. This can not lead to success.
In any business, success takes time. Give your online business the time it needs to succeed and it will reward you with passive income for years to come.
7. Don't Fear You'll Miss IT ... IT Doesn't Exist
This is the BIG ONE folks! Right now, for example, Mastery TV is all the rage. Only six months ago, a program called Cash Evolution was all the rage. As I understand it, Cash Evolution, even with Mark Joyner's endorsement, was a disaster.
Will Mastery TV end up a winner or loser? While I don't pretend to know the answer, and many factors will determine that answer, I do know that no one who signs up, promotes for two weeks, and quits, will make ANY serious revenue.
Doing business on the Internet has been challenging lately. Spammers make it harder to get messages delivered, yet you're reading this one. More and more web sites means more competition, yet your site got visitors today.
Success online comes down to this ....
Do the basic things very well, stick with it, and success WILL be yours!
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