Easy Ezine Promotion
By Terri Seymour
Posted Saturday, January 15, 2005
If you have a website or e-business, you should definitely consider publishing an ezine. Once you have made the decision to publish an ezine and decided on the content, you now must learn how to promote your newsletter. There are many easy and free ways to promote your new ezine.
Here are some of my favorites:
Ezine Directories
There are hundreds of ezine directories on the web in which you can list your ezine for FREE. You might be asked to run their ad in your ezine or on your site in return for the free service. This is a good idea anyway, because the more people that read the directory, the more people that see YOUR listing. Here are a few to get you going.
(http://www.absoluteauthority.com/ezines/) (http://www.bestezines.com/) (http://www.cumuli.com/ezines/verify/default.ldml) (http://www.escribe.com/ (http://www.ezineadsource.com/) (http://www.ezinesearch.com/search-it/ezine/) (http://www.ezine-universe.com/) (http://www.e-zinez.com/) (http://www.list-universe.com/)
Announcement Lists
Announcement lists are a great way to get the word out about your ezine. Subscribe to the lists and be sure to follow the guidelines for posting on each list. Once you get established on the lists, you should drop your postings to about once a month or every other week. This will prevent "overloading" people with your ad. Get started with these lists.
WritersZines-subscribe@onelist.com ezinestoday-subscribe@onelist.com 00-list-announce-subscribe@onelist.com lists_for_all-subscribe@egroups.com Advertise-Your-List-subscribe@egroups.com MyListAnnounce-subscribe@egroups.com linksnlists-subscribe@egroups.com
Ad Swaps
Once you get your ezine started, you will want to get your ad in other quality publications. A good and economical way of doing this is by ad swapping. You agree to place another publisher's ad in your ezine and he/she places your ad in their ezine. This is a very effective way of gaining subscribers. Subscribe to these lists for finding publishers who want to swap ads.
EzineAdExchange-subscribe@topica.com adswappers-subscribe@globelists.com Ezine-Ad-Swaps-subscribe@topica.com
Every time you send out your email you can be sending out an announcement about your ezine. Put a small but informative signature at the bottom of your email.
Terri Seymour
Web Success Ezine
Subscribe Now for Free Gift mailto:web-success-subscribe@egroups.com
You can also put borders around your sigtag to bring more attention to it.
About the Author
Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com MyOwnEzine.com is a website, ezine and service which provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can contact Terri at mailto:ter02@newnorth.net Subscribe at mailto:subscribe@myownezine.com or visit (http://www.myownezine.com) for lots more info.