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How To Use Autoresponders With Affiliate Programs and Pop Up Windows

By Matthew May
Posted Thursday, November 18, 2004

It has been proven that most prospects much hear a message as many as 7 times before purchasing.

Multiple follow up autoresponder systems allow you to place an opt in form on your website which captures your prospect's name and email address and then sends them up to ten personalized follow up messages about your business.

A very effective way to capture the prospects name and email address is through a pop up window which opens whenever someone leaves your first page.

If you were selling a credit repair system for example your form could say "Place your name and email address here to get 10 free tips by email on how to restore your credit."

The problem arises when you are promoting an affiliate program and you are not allowed to modify their self replicated webpages.

What we do is to make a copy of the first page of the self replicated site and place it on our servers or on a free web host with our modifications.

All the links still go to our affiliate site so we get still get credit for any sales and the new page has our pop up autoresponder form on it.

Here is how you do this:

1. Open your browser and go to the first page of your affiliate website.

2. Right click on the page. (Not on a Picture)

3. Left click on "view source."

4. Left click on "file."

5. Left click on "save as."

6. Under "file name" type index.html

7. Under "save in" click the little arrow to the right and choose "C ."

8. Click save.

9. Go to start.

10. Go to Run.

11. Go to Browse.

12. Go to C Drive (Under Look In)

13. Under "files of type" click "all files."

14. Look for index.html

15. Right click on the index.html

16. Click "view source"

17. Install this java script after the tag in your html code. This java script is courtesy of"", "myannouncer", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=220,width=570")

Make sure you replace "" with the domain for your free web host. You can find 100s of free web hosts at (

18. Click "File."

19. Click "Save as."

20. Name the file "index.html ."

21. Under save in choose "C."

22. Click "Save."

23. Sign up for a free autoresponder account at (

24. Log into your account.

25. Go to "On Line Form Manager."

26. Go to "Configure Autoresponder."

27. Go to "Set Up Re-direct Link."

28. Type in the url of your affiliate website. (

29. Click your back button twice to go to the autoresponder control panel.

30. Click "Get Form Code.

31. Leave the name and email fields checked exactly as they are.

32. Click generate form code.

33. Go to Start, Run, Programs, Accessories then notepad.

34. Copy and paste the form code you just generated into notepad.

35. Save the file to your C drive as popup.html

36. Upload both popup.html and index.html to your free web host.

37. Log back into your autoresponder control panel at ( and type in several follow up email messages about your business.

Go to your free website and open up the first page. Click refresh and you will see your pop up window appear asking your prospects for their name and email address.

Note: If the pictures all are blank in the free website put this code into the portion on the html of the free web page.

Make sure you place the url of the original url that your affiliate program gave you in this tag.

About the Author
Matthew May is the owner of ( free and pro autorepsonder service. You may contact him through his website at (


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