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Still trying to succeed online without a listserver? It ain't gonna happen!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Posted Sunday, January 16, 2005

Your #1 online success tool is a listserver. If you don't have one you are NEVER going to succeed online. Here's why.

A listserver is a handy piece of software which enables you, at the press of a single button, to deliver a message to every single person on any given list. The listserver is important because the list it delivers messages to is important. Indeed, I'll go so far as to say: the business is your list, the list is your business.

Companies which are making money online are making money because they're 1) building their crucial email list and 2) using a listserver to deliver regular messages to it.

What can these messages be?

* a company newsletter
* information about products and services * usage information, so that customers get more value from what they buy
* specials, sales, offers, discount coupons, etc..

In short, the listserver enables you to run the most customer- centered business imaginable, keeping your vital information in front of prospects in ways impossible in the "real world" and for a trifling cost.

When you've got a listserver, you're able to wake up in the morning with a dandy idea for motivating your prospects... sit down at your computer and write your client-centered message (or reuse a message that has worked for you in the past), and, by hitting a single button, get that message out IMMEDIATELY to every single person on your list. Want to update prospects in the afternoon? No problem! Create another message and send it out to your list! Your prospects will have it in minutes!

Is this spam? CERTAINLY NOT! A listserver serves a SUBSCRIPTION list! People need to request to be on your mailing list. It's easy to add them -- or they can add themselves. It's equally easy to delete them if they don't want to be on your list anymore, so you're NEVER spamming anyone!

When you're using a listserver, you've got your #1 Profit Tool for connecting with prospects, bringing vital information to their attention when YOU like, both sending it with your listserver and directing them to whatever area of your website you want them to see.

Speaking personally, the apt use of listservers is what has turned our company -- Worldprofit, Inc. at ( -- from a back bedroom enterprise into a multi-million dollar operation. That's why we include a listserver as standard equipment in our very popular ready-to-move-into, professionally designed e-properties at (

Let me make myself perfectly clear: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LISTSERVER, YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO SUCCEED ONLINE; listservers are THAT important!

Go get yours now at ( For personal assistance, with "I want a listserver" in the subject, along with your name, company, and phone number.

With your listserver, you'll finally begin to capitalize on the incredible economies and speed of online business. What are you waiting for?

About the Author
Dr. Jeffrey Lant is Co-Founder of Worldprofit at ( For a FREE subscription to Worldprofit's online business development newsletters, go to ( For web design assistance, go to (


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