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A Dynamite New Web-Based Reporting Service

By Robin Nobles
Posted Thursday, July 1, 2004

We all agree that it's important to check your search engine rankings periodically. After all, unless you monitor your rankings, you won't know when pages have slipped in ranking or fallen from the index altogether.

While there are some excellent software programs for checking your rankings, such as our favorite, WebPosition Gold, until recently, there hasn't been a Web-based reporting service.

But why would you want to use a Web-based service? Let's look at a few reasons.

Advantages for Using a Web-Based Service

Believe it or not, many people still access the Internet using a modem. If those people have a lot of search engine marketing clients, or if they're dealing with hundreds (or thousands) of keyword phrases, using a software program could really tie up their resources for literally hours.

While you can certainly run ranking reports at night, that doesn't mean you won't be "booted offline" sometime during the night, to where you'll have to start all over again the next day or night.

Also, if you have a lot of clients, you've probably found that ranking reports take up an enormous amount of space on your hard drive. In fact, some companies devote entire computers just to ranking reports.

Another reason for using a Web-based service versus a software program is if you're in a location where you still have to pay by the minute or hour for Internet access.

Finally, some people like the idea of turning over various search engine marketing functions to someone else, to where they can concentrate on other areas. For those people, Web-based reporting is ideal.

Introducing WebRank ( . . a new Web-based Reporting Service

Besides doing its job quickly and easily, there are two things I look for in a software program or tool: intuitiveness and good customer support.

Like most people in the search engine marketing industry, time is crucial to me, and I have none to waste. WebRank is so easy to use that you can get started immediately, without even having to access the help files. However, to help you get started, they have a "SupportMail" follow-up system, where new subscribers receive little tips through e-mail on how to use WebRank.

And, I found that if I had any questions or problems, their technical support folks answered those questions or concerns quickly and efficiently.

How does WebRank work?

You simply enter your keyword phrases and your domains in your Administration area. The service even offers a suggested list of new keyword phrases in your topic areas, similar to a keyword suggestion tool, which is very handy. You can also add competing domains, then have WebRank compare your rankings to your competitors'.

When you're ready to see your ranking reports for the first time, you click on the Run Report link. Within minutes, you're reviewing your rankings across 18 search engines and directories. You can choose to view the ranking reports by domain, by keyword, or by search engine, or you can create custom reports.

Then, once a week (or once per month, depending on your account type) WebRank will check your rankings and generate your reports automatically. Plus, you can choose to run the reports "now," at any time, by going into your Administration area.

With WebRank, you can customize the service to suit your needs. Do you want to receive reports by e-mail? Would you rather view the reports online? It's possible either way.

The Email Notification Rules feature is also very handy, because it lets you choose when to receive e-mail pertaining to your rankings. For example, let's say that you've just created a new page. As soon as the page hits a 1-30 ranking, you can choose to be sent an email notification.

Once you've gotten your rankings and if they're not quite what they should be, click on "Increase My Rankings" for a comprehensive resource center that offers information on search engine marketing for do-it-yourselfers or for those who would rather hire a professional.

Also, their "Software Integrated Help System" will check your account periodically and send "smart" messages that will help you with your search engine marketing efforts. This system is designed particularly for beginners.

Another very interesting part of WebRank is the Doorway Domain Manager. Here's how it works. You decide on a domain name (with help from some handy online tools), then buy it for $19 a year through WebRank. Then, you use their step-by-step wizard to create the doorway site. Within 48 to 72 hours, the domain is live and accessible. You're then prompted to submit some of your pages through free AddURL pages or pay inclusion programs. Then, WebRank will begin notifying you when the pages have been indexed and what their rankings are. Can't set up a Web site much easier than that!

In Conclusion

If you're looking for an alternative solution to ranking software, be sure to consider WebRank. Visit ( and sign up for their free trial, and test drive the service for yourself. You'll love it!

Copyright 2002 Robin Nobles. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Robin Nobles, Director of Training, Academy of Web Specialists, ( has trained several thousand people in her online search engine marketing courses ( She also teaches 3-day hands on search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe with Search Engine Workshops(


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