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How to Get 100,000 Visitors or More from Yahoo

By Johannes Garrido
Posted Thursday, July 1, 2004

How would you like to reap the benefits of getting
listed in the largest and most popular searchable
directory on the net?

At last count, Yahoo receives over 180 million visitors
a month.

Can you imagine the kind of traffic you'll receive by
getting just a small percentage of Yahoo's traffic?

For many, getting listed in Yahoo is like winning the
lottery: millions enter, but only a few are accepted.

However, by following the 7 simple steps listed below
you'll be able to :

o jump past the millions of websites vying for a listing
o get your site listed
o receive more targeted visitors
o and ultimately earn more money.

Here's how to get your site listed in Yahoo:

1. Focus on a GOOD Keyword

Understanding which keywords people are actively
searching can mean the difference between your site
getting 50 visitors a day or 1000 visitors a day. So,
you'll need to target keywords that people are actively
searching for to get any meaningful source of traffic.

Here are 3 ways to Discover Popular Keywords:

o Wordspot - (
o Goto Search Term Suggestion Tool
o Good Keywords - (

2. Set Up an New Domain

It's a good idea to create an entirely new domain using
the Keyword you came up with in Step 1.

Sure, it may involve an upfront cost:

o $15 / year for a domain name + year worth of hosting
(Find this Amazing price at (
o $199 for an Express Submission.
o Total Cost = $214 dollars

However, just imagine how many visitors you can bring
with a Yahoo listing. For instance, let's say you can
bring 500 visitors a day (a conservative estimate).
This comes out to about 182,500 visitors in a year.

A total cost of $214.40 for 182,500 adds up to less
than 1/10 a penny a visitor. Plus, if you submit this
new site to the various search engines, you will gain
even more visitors. You won't find a better bargain
out there.

3. Create Unique Content

Setting up a new domain is not enough for getting into
Yahoo. To get into Yahoo, you'll need to present
unique content for the Yahoo editors. Remember, each
site that's submitted to Yahoo is reviewed by live

So how do you create unique content for the Yahoo

One way to do this is to find gaps in Yahoo's listings,
and provide the information to fill in those gaps.

Simply search Yahoo's category listing in the subject
area you plan on submitting to and finding an area that
is lacking content. Then, your job is to simply create
the content to fill in the gaps for them.

Don't worry, you don't have to create a massive 500 pg.
website. 7-10 pages of unique content (including links
to other sources) should be more than adequate to get
you listed.

4. Title of Your Site Should Be On Your Actual Website.

In most cases, the yahoo reviewers will use your
company name as the title of your listing. So if you
have the ability to do so, you might want to consider
this in choosing your business name. When deciding on
your business name, be sure to include your most
important keyword (Step 1 above) in it.

If you already have a business name, you might want to
fill out another "Doing Business As" form with your
local courthouse and create another assumed name for
your business.

5. Create a Very Brief Description

Try and keep your description text to 12 words or less
of advertising and hype free text. However, be sure to
include your important keyword (Step 1) into the

6. Choose a Specific Category and Secondary Category

Yahoo distinguishes sites as either commercial or non-
commercial sites. If your site is selling anything at
all than your site belongs in the Business and Economy
section of Yahoo.

Try and be as specific as possible when trying to
submit your site into Yahoo's first and secondary
categories. This will help target your visitors and
limit the amount of competition your site will have.

7. Implement a Back Up Strategy

Even though you did everything right, you still may not
be included into Yahoo's directory. Don't worry,
follow this back up strategy:

If you used the Business Express service to submit your
site and didn't get in with your first try, you'll be
sent an email within 7 days stating why you weren't
listed. Here's you second chance to get in. Simply
fix the problem that they've indicated and then
recontact your reviewer to inform them of the changes
you've made in what's know as the "appeal" email by

If you did not use the Business Express service, you
may want to contact Yahoo about your submission. When
contacting Yahoo, I suggest you include the date of
your submission as well as the title and URL of your
web site.

Yahoo is swamped with emails, so sending them an email
to them may be ineffective. What I suggest is that
you either call or write to them about your site's
listing (writing is the preferred method). Here's
contact information:

Yahoo!, Inc.
3420 Central Expressway, 2nd Floor
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Main Corporate Telephone: (408) 731-3300
Fax: (408) 731-3301
User Support Telephone: (408) 731-3333 - LISTING NUMBER
Extension #1: For information on submitting a new URL
Extension #2: For information on making changes to an
existing listing in Yahoo!
Extension #3: Information about Yahoo! search results

When contacting Yahoo, it's a good idea to get to the
point quickly. Simply ask if they have had a chance to
review your web site and reiterate how your site adds
value by providing unique content to their directory.

So now you have the information needed to get your site
listed in the biggest directory on the net. WHY STOP
HERE? Why not use the information presented above to
get more sites listed?

About the Author
Johannes Garrido is creator of the 'Killer
Classified Ads Magic System'
"STOP Wasting Your Precious Time and Money -
Discover How to Increase Your Sales by 1700%
with a Killer Ad Campaign. 100% Guaranteed."
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