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Post Your Job Positions on the Net

By Tamara Jong
Posted Sunday, July 4, 2004

Computers have changed the way we deal with things; personally and professionally. According to the Angus Reid Group 70 percent of the country’s adults now have online access at home, work or school. That number increases daily. What will you do with that knowledge? The scenery of the world is changing around us. How candidates look for jobs and how employers find potential employees is different.

Do you have a website, a career section? Do you post on a job board(s) as well?

In our ideal world, we want candidates to find and search for us. However, with communication making all of us so accessible, everyone is on sensory overload. It’s like trying to listen to two conversations simultaneously. Whether it’s your mission statement, website, advertising, press, potential candidates may be looking for you on the net. Can they find you? Many options are out there. What to do?

Posting your positions on a job board(s) will save time and resources. It is an effective way of hiring. You can't expand your business without clients, however employees are the wheels which cause your business to run or not run, and allows business to function effectively and successfully. Advertising is a sign of growth and success. You can hope to attract talent by word of mouth. But, why leave your company’s future in the hands of hope? You need to be proactive and prepared. If you want someone to say, “ I want to work for this company!”, then you need to show them why. In the end, it just makes perfect business sense. Many corporations have spearheaded themselves into the 21st century by posting on the net and attracting quality candidates. What impression is your corporation making?

To post or not to post? That really shouldn’t be the question.

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About the Author
Tamara Jong is the Marketing Coordinator for Canjobs and handles the online content management for Your source for jobs in Canada


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